Teach your students to make shape patterns using right angle turns with this differentiated maths worksheet for Year 3 students.
Make Patterns Using Right Angle Turns
In their simplest form, angles are merely measures of turn!
This differentiated right angles worksheet has been designed by our experienced team of teachers to help your students practise turning objects in various directions and to various degrees. Using key vocabulary such as right angle, quarter turn, half turn, three-quarter turn, full turn, clockwise and anticlockwise, students will create shape patterns using a variety of common objects.
Two differentiated versions of this worksheet have been provided. The second worksheet is intended to be more challenging than the first, as it provides fewer images (meaning that students have less scaffolding when it comes to figuring out the patterns).
Answer sheets for each version are provided in the download.
This resource comes as an easy-print black-and-white PDF, or alternatively, an editable Google Slides version of this resource is also available.
This resource will engage students as they use their problem-solving skills to work out each of the shape patterns on the worksheet.
More Shape Pattern Activities
This resource provides a solid springboard for exploring shape patterns and right angle turns with your students.
Looking to take this turning activity further in your classroom? Have your students create a turning pattern of their own by drawing and cutting out a simple image of their choice. Students must decide upon a rule for their pattern, then use the rule to pivot their cut-out image on its vertex several times. Students can record the pattern they have made in their workbook, then swap with a partner to see if they can identify the turning pattern.
How to Download This Right Angle Turns Worksheet
Use the dropdown menu next to the Download button above to access either the PDF or the Google Slides version of this resource. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template before accessing it).
As this resource contains an answer sheet, we recommend printing one copy of the entire file, then removing the answer sheet before making copies for your students. For sustainability purposes, please consider printing this worksheet double-sided.
This resource was created by Leeanne Blanckensee, a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Angles Resources for Your Classroom
Looking for more activities to enhance your maths lessons on angles? Explore this great selection of teacher-created resources!

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Angles as Measures of a Turn Teaching Slides
Teach your students about the relationship between measures of a turn and right angles with this teaching presentation for Year 3 students.

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Monster Right Angle Finder Template
Help your students identify right angles in the environment with this monster-inspired right angle finder.

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Angles in the Environment Worksheet
Help your students identify acute, right and obtuse angles in the environment with this differentiated worksheet.
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