Help your students concrete their understanding of silkworm life cycles with this interactive game.
How Do Silkworms Become Moths? 🐛
Imagine the looks of wonder on your students’ faces when you tell them how we get silk!
Use this independent practice worksheet to support the life cycles section of your Biological Sciences lesson. By completing this activity, students demonstrate their ability to investigate and record the unique life cycles of insects.
Specifically, students will consolidate their understanding of the metamorphosis of a silkworm using the template and cutouts to show its transformation from egg to caterpillar (larva), then silk cocoon (pupa) to moth (adult) form.
Scaffolding + Extension Tips
In addition to individual student work time, use this life cycles activity as a:
- lesson exit ticket
- quiz or test
- fast finisher activity
- homework assignment.
Instruct fast finishers to research another animal and use the template as a guide to creating a similar life cycle.
Support students who need more help by referencing your life cycles lesson plan.
How To Prepare This Resource
Your download includes a completed example (answer sheet), a blank template, and a separate page with pictures and labels students will put in order on the template.
This resource is available in three formats:
- colour PDF
- black and white PDF
- interactive Google Slides (with two differentiated versions).
Students will cut out the pictures and labels and paste them in the correct place on the template. Because this activity includes an answer sheet, we suggest printing one copy of the entire activity and making photocopies of the template and life cycle labels.
Use the Google slides version as a sustainable, whole-class activity:
- Version 1: Using the labels as a guide, drag the life cycle pictures in place.
- Version 2: Using the pictures as a guide, drag the life cycle labels in place.
Before You Download
Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides versions of this resource. An answer key is also included with this download.
NEXT: 8 Fun and Effective Lesson Closures
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