Posters showing numbers going up in tens from 10 - 100 with associated images.
The posters include the number, the corresponding word and the amount visually represented using MAB blocks, money, tens frames and tally marks.
Updated: 07 Aug 2019
Posters showing numbers going up in tens from 10 - 100 with associated images.
Non-Editable: PDF
Pages: 10 Pages
Years: 1 - 3
Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line
Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and tens from any starting point, then moving to other sequences
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 120 using physical and virtual materials, numerals, number lines and charts
Quantify sets of objects, to at least 120, by partitioning collections into equal groups using number knowledge and skip counting
Recognise, continue and create pattern sequences, with numbers, symbols, shapes and objects, formed by skip counting, initially by twos, fives and tens
Posters showing numbers going up in tens from 10 - 100 with associated images.
The posters include the number, the corresponding word and the amount visually represented using MAB blocks, money, tens frames and tally marks.
Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line
Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and tens from any starting point, then moving to other sequences
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 120 using physical and virtual materials, numerals, number lines and charts
Quantify sets of objects, to at least 120, by partitioning collections into equal groups using number knowledge and skip counting
Recognise, continue and create pattern sequences, with numbers, symbols, shapes and objects, formed by skip counting, initially by twos, fives and tens
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