A set of viking and dragon themed page borders.
Print these page borders and use for writing activities or as decorative posters for displaying student work or word walls. This set includes both lined and blank page borders.
Updated: 20 Oct 2015
A set of viking and dragon themed page borders.
Non-Editable: PDF
Pages: 6 Pages
Years: F - 7
Customisable: Yes
Create and edit literary texts, experimenting with figurative language, storylines, characters and settings from texts students have experienced
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experiencedElaborationsusing texts with computer-based graphics, animation and 2D qualities, consider how and why par...
A set of viking and dragon themed page borders.
Print these page borders and use for writing activities or as decorative posters for displaying student work or word walls. This set includes both lined and blank page borders.
Create and edit literary texts, experimenting with figurative language, storylines, characters and settings from texts students have experienced
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experiencedElaborationsusing texts with computer-based graphics, animation and 2D qualities, consider how and why par...
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A plain yellow-themed printable class list.
A fairy tales and castles themed Job Chart to display in the classroom.
A plain pink-themed printable class list.
Fairy tales and castle themed editable landscape page borders.
A set of plain orange-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
A set of plain yellow-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
A set of plain pink-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
Pink lush leaves letter and numbers set.
16 kid friendly yoga poses to display and use in the classroom for daily gross motor and fitness activities.
Display all of your students' birthdays on this plain pink-themed classroom birthday chart.
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