Provide a visual schedule for specific students with this desk template.
Print out this resource and laminate it. Stick velcro squares on the strip and the opposite velcro squares on the activity and equipment squares.
Print on A3 to create a schedule for the entire class or print on A4 for an individual student.
There are also some spare activity squares for you to add in any activities that are specific to your class.
Use the drop-down menu on the Download button to choose between the PDF or editable Microsoft Word version.
I'm not able to download this document, it keeps stating error! help
Hi Linda, We're sorry to hear you're having trouble. Hopefully, it is downloading for you now but if not, please contact us at and we'll do what we can to fix the problem.
Hi guys! Awesome resource. Any chance it could be editable so I can add more boxes to tasks ( up to 10)
Hi Stephanie Glad you like this resource! If you’re wanting an editable version, you can download this via the green ‘Download’ button beneath the title of this resource on the website. Beside this button is a tiny arrowhead. If you click on this, you're given the options 'Adobe Reader' or 'Editable Version' in the drop down. Please let me know if you have any further problems. Kind regards Janeen