teaching resource

Write a Cinquain Poem Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Sep 2024

Set your students up for success when writing a cinquain poem with this set of scaffolded, easy-to-follow worksheets.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6


teaching resource

Write a Cinquain Poem Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Sep 2024

Set your students up for success when writing a cinquain poem with this set of scaffolded, easy-to-follow worksheets.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6

Set your students up for success when writing a cinquain poem with this set of scaffolded, easy-to-follow worksheets.

What Is a Cinquain Poem?

Cinquain poems are short, five-line poems that follow a specific syllable count or word pattern. They are a great way for students to experiment with poetry writing without the pressure of writing long, complex compositions.

Here’s what you need to know when teaching your students how to write a cinquain poem:

  • Purpose – Cinquain poems describe a particular topic.
  • Structure – Cinquain poems have five lines. Each line performs a specific function in describing the chosen topic.
  • Rhythm – Cinquain poems have a rhythm pattern that is created by the number of syllables in each line.
  • Rhyme – Cinquain poems do not usually rhyme.

Easily Teach How to Write a Cinquain Poem

To assist you in teaching your students how to write a cinquain poem, Teach Starter has created this set of four worksheets. These worksheets will set your students up for success by providing guidance and structure as they plan and write a cinquain poem on a topic of their choice.

Here’s what you will discover inside this cinquain poem template pack:

  1. Cinquain Overview – This page explains everything your students need to know about cinquain poems. It also includes an example cinquain about snowflakes.
  2. Cinquain Graphic Organiser – This page supports students in brainstorming topics, vocabulary and imagery for their own cinquain poem.
  3. Cinquain Scaffolding Sheet and Checklist – This page supports students in writing a cinquain poem by providing a labelled scaffold and editing checklist.
  4. Cinquain Writing Sheet – This page has been included for students to produce a polished final copy of their cinquain poem.

Cinquain poems provide an engaging way for students to develop their poetic skills, experiment with language and express their thoughts creatively within a structured framework. They make a great choice for beginning poets!

Download This Cinquain Poem Template

This resource downloads as an easy-print PDF or an editable Google Slides file. Use the Download button to access your preferred version of this resource. Please note that you will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides file before accessing it.

Brittany Collins, a Teach Starter collaborator, contributed to this resource.

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  • Louise Bishop

    The definition of a cinquain is incorrect. It is a verse of 5 lines with a syllable count for each line of 2,4,6,8,2. Please could you update this worksheet. It's the 2nd time staff at school have included this in the teaching program but it is wrong.

    • Kristian

      Hi Louise, This has been fixed and can be downloaded again. Thanks so much for noticing this error on one of our resources. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me. ​

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