A chart to assist students when learning how to form letters.
Print this Writing the Alphabet Chart and use it to help your students when they are learning handwriting.
Updated: 27 Mar 2020
A chart to assist students when learning how to form letters.
Non-Editable: PDF
Pages: 1 Page
Years: F - 3
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter representsElaborationsusing familiar and common letters in handwritten and digital communications (Skills: Literacy)identifying familiar a...
Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formationsElaborationsadopting correct posture and pencil grip)learning to produce simple handwriting movements)following clear demonstrations of how to construct each letter (for ex...
Write using unjoined lower case and upper case lettersElaborationsusing correct posture and pencil grip)learning how each letter is constructed including where to start and the direction to follow)writing words legibly using unjoined print script of ...
Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case lettersElaborationsusing correct pencil grip and posture)writing sentences legibly and fluently using unjoined print script of consistent size (Skills: Literacy)(View thi...
Form most lower-case and upper-case letters using learnt letter formations
Recognise and name all upper- and lower-case letters (graphs) and know the most common sound that each letter represents
Write words using unjoined lower-case and upper-case letters
Write words legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters
A chart to assist students when learning how to form letters.
Print this Writing the Alphabet Chart and use it to help your students when they are learning handwriting.
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter representsElaborationsusing familiar and common letters in handwritten and digital communications (Skills: Literacy)identifying familiar a...
Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formationsElaborationsadopting correct posture and pencil grip)learning to produce simple handwriting movements)following clear demonstrations of how to construct each letter (for ex...
Write using unjoined lower case and upper case lettersElaborationsusing correct posture and pencil grip)learning how each letter is constructed including where to start and the direction to follow)writing words legibly using unjoined print script of ...
Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case lettersElaborationsusing correct pencil grip and posture)writing sentences legibly and fluently using unjoined print script of consistent size (Skills: Literacy)(View thi...
Form most lower-case and upper-case letters using learnt letter formations
Recognise and name all upper- and lower-case letters (graphs) and know the most common sound that each letter represents
Write words using unjoined lower-case and upper-case letters
Write words legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters
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Removed errant line in Victorian Print version.
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A plain yellow-themed printable class list.
A fairy tales and castles themed Job Chart to display in the classroom.
A plain pink-themed printable class list.
Fairy tales and castle themed editable landscape page borders.
A set of plain orange-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
A set of plain yellow-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
A set of plain pink-themed border trimmers to decorate your whiteboard, corkboard or windows.
Pink lush leaves letter and numbers set.
16 kid friendly yoga poses to display and use in the classroom for daily gross motor and fitness activities.
Display all of your students' birthdays on this plain pink-themed classroom birthday chart.
Would it be possible to please have a copy of the NSW font on the VIC cursive lines (solid blue or red base, dotted third middle and dotted third top line?
Hi Sharonne, thanks for your suggestion. If you click on the 'changes and updates' tab just above this comment, you can submit any suggestions for a change there and be notified if our team are able to complete this for you!
Hi, I have just noticed the strokes that are listed on this poster for the uppercase Y. Could you please check this out as I don't believe it is correct. I believe the strokes are the same as the stroke number/order for the NSW font. Thanks
Hi Naomi, Thank you for letting us know. To help us get the resource right, can you please submit an error form for this resource using the Report an Error tab above? This tab can be found near the comments section. Please tell us if there is a specific font that is incorrect. This will allow us to fix the resource quickly. Thanks for your help!