Music 6.2
Foundations: music literacy. The student reads and writes music notation using an established system for rhythm and melody. The student is expected to:
(A) identify music symbols and terms referring to notation, including repeat sign; dynamics, including crescendo, decrescendo, piano, and forte; tempi, including accelerando, ritardando, moderato, and allegro; and articulations, including staccato and legato;
(B) notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols in a handwritten or computer-generated format;
(C) create rhythmic phrases using known rhythms and melodic phrases using known pitches at an appropriate level of difficulty within an established system of notation;
(D) read music notation using appropriate cognitive and kinesthetic responses such as inner hearing, silent fingering, shadow bowing, or Curwen hand signs; and
(E) sight read unison and homophonic music using the appropriate clef in a minimum of two keys and three meters, including 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4.