This English unit addresses the narrative text type; specifically, how to write an engaging narrative text.
It consists of 10 lessons of approximately 60 minutes duration.
The sequence of lessons and suggested time frames should be regarded as a guide only; teachers should pace lessons in accordance with the individual learning needs of their class.
An independent writing task, which may couple as an assessment task, is included in the unit. The number of lessons required to complete this task may vary from class to class.
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When I downloaded this unit, the unit overview doesnt contain any information and won't open.
Hi there Dale. We’re experiencing a technical difficulty with our unit plans at the moment. Might I suggest copying the content from the webpage into Word and printing it that way? I recognise that this is far from ideal, and I apologise for the inconvenience!
Hi there, I am unable to open the powerpoints. I'm downloading and they're appearing as POTX files. Thanks
Hi Simone, We upload our PowerPoints as templates (POTX) so you can make edits and save your own customised version. Here are a couple of troubleshooting tips you can try: 1. When you press the download button on the resource page, please select the 'save' option from the dialogue box that appears, and save the file to your documents or desktop. From there, you should be able to open the file successfully. 2. Sometimes this error happens with older versions of PowerPoint or some school versions which prevent PowerPoint templates being opened. Can you please try right-clicking on the file in your downloads folder and then select 'Open' from the drop-down menu? This should allow you to access the file without the error message. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]