Level 3
Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose, audience and context, including tense and types of sentences
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheets
Use this set of five grammar worksheets to teach about the structures of simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Planning Template Pack
Use this narrative writing planning template pack to help your students plan a fantastic piece of writing!
- Plus Plan
18 Editing and Proofreading Worksheets – Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Use these editing and proofreading worksheets to add daily editing practice to your lesson plans.
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure - Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Developing Persuasive Writing Skills PowerPoint (Year 3 and Year 4)
Teach your students about the structure and language features of persuasive texts with these interactive teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Writing Prompts - Complete Set
A set of 5 persuasive writing prompts, covering a variety of topics.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Sentence Starter Worksheets
Use our printable narrative writing prompt worksheets to boost your students' imaginative writing skills.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Handwriting Sheets - Individual
Handwriting sheets for each letter of the alphabet.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Conjunctions Posters
Enhance student understanding of the 8 parts of speech with these colourful, informative and easily-referenced grammar wall posters.
- Plus Plan
Developing Narrative Writing Skills PowerPoint - Year 3 and Year 4
Teach your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts with an engaging interactive Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Presentation.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Finding The Main Idea
A set of comprehension task cards to help students find the main idea when reading.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Visual Prompts Presentation
A 19 slide teaching presentation containing visual narrative writing prompts.
- Free Plan
Narrative Text Structure Posters
A set of 8 narrative text structure posters to add to your classroom narrative writing display.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Devices Teaching Slides
Explore persuasive language devices with your students using this detailed and age-appropriate slideshow perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
- Free Plan
Persuasive Planning Template
A planning template to assist students in writing a well-structured persuasive text.
- Plus Plan
NAPLAN Reading Magazine – Year 3
5 reading texts with multiple choice questions for NAPLAN Reading Year 3.
- Plus Plan
OREO® Planning Template - Persuasive Paragraph
Help your students write well constructed persuasive paragraphs using the OREO acronym with these planning templates.
- Free Plan
Great Barrier Reef Comprehension and Note Taking Worksheet
Learn about The Great Barrier Reef with a reading comprehension and note-taking activity.
- Plus Plan
5 Persuasive Writing Prompts
Inspire your students through these relevant persuasive writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist Pack
Use this narrative checklist pack when teaching your students how to edit their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar Volume 1 - Worksheet Book
50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Type Poster With Annotations
Display this Persuasive text with annotations to help students identify the structure of this type of text.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences Posters
Display a set of types of sentences posters to help your students discover various types of sentences.
- Free Plan
Persuasive Text Structure Posters
Explore the structure of persuasive writing with this set of 15 posters.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Editing Passages
Use this set of Year 3 editing passages to help your students demonstrate their spelling, punctuation and grammar knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Modality Word Wall With Information
Immerse your students in high, medium and low modality words with this set of 56 word wall cards.
- Free Plan
NAPLAN Spelling Reference List
Prepare your students for NAPLAN Language Conventions assessments with a printable NAPLAN Spelling Reference List.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Persuasive Language Worksheets
Explore persuasive language with your students using this set of five persuasive texts on a variety of age-appropriate topics.
- Plus Plan
Sequencing Activity - Dogs Make the Best Pets (Persuasive Text)
A sequencing task using a persuasive text.
- Plus Plan
Auto-Fill Customisable Spelling Activity Worksheets
Save time making custom spelling lists and spelling practise worksheets with an editable auto-fill spelling worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Prompts Posters
A set of 20 posters to display as narrative story prompts for students.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Techniques Posters
Support students to improve their persuasive writing with these persuasive techniques posters.