Victorian Curriculum
deliver structured spoken texts to an audience using features of voice
- reporting on a topic in an organised manner, providing relevant facts and descriptive detail to support audience understanding, and using references to reliable sources to support claims
- exploring the effects of changing tone, volume, pitch and pace in formal and informal contexts
- rehearsing a presentation with a peer and sharing feedback about tone, pace, pitch and volume appropriate for audience
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teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Free Plan
Speaking Skills Assessment Checklist
Help students take ownership of their communication skills with this speaking skills checklist.
- Plus Plan
Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric
A rubric designed to help teachers to assess students' oral presentations.
- Free Plan
Writing a Speech Poster
A poster highlighting the main parts to a speech.
- Plus Plan
Public Speaking Poster
A poster giving tips on how to deliver an effective speech.
- Plus Plan
Authors Who Inspire – Speechwriting Task
Research and celebrate an inspiring author with this speechwriting activity.
- Plus Plan
Talking About Books Prompts
Share a love of reading and expose students to new books with these book talk prompts.
- Plus Plan
Olympic Host City Project - Speech Writing Task
Explore the advantages and disadvantages of being the host city for the Olympics in this 3-page inquiry and speech-writing task.