compare directly and indirectly and order objects and events using attributes of length, mass, capacity and duration, communicating reasoning
- using a piece of string to indirectly compare the length of several objects, deciding which will fit within a space, and using comparative language to describe the order (shortest, short, longer, longest)
- ordering the mass of 3 or more objects, such as rocks, using hefting and balance scales, and using comparative language to explain the order (lightest, light, heavier, heaviest) and how they decided on the order
- pouring sand, rice or water from one container to another to compare and order the capacity of 3 or more containers, and describing the order of the results in terms of which holds the most/least and those in between
- creating sand timers from everyday items or recycled materials and comparing them to order the duration of time required for the sand to run through
- investigating situations where Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples estimate, compare and communicate measurements, for example, situations involving the duration of seasons, understanding animal behaviour using the length of animal tracks, or investigating capacity through Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander water management techniques, such as traditional water-carrying vessels and rock holes
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Informal Units Worksheets
A worksheet to use when learning about measuring length using informal units.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Informal Units Teaching Slides
Teach your students about measuring length using informal units with an engaging, interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length - Year 1 Maths Assessment
Assess your students’ skills with measuring length using a printable Year 1 Measuring Length Test.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Dinosaur Footprints - Hands-on Maths Task
Engage your students in learning about informal measurement with a 'Dino-Mite' hands-on measurement activity in which they use dinosaur footprints to measure objects around the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Measuring Capacity Worksheets
Improve students' basic understanding of liquid measurement with a set of printable Capacity Worksheets for Year 1.
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
18 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups Interactive PowerPoint - Year 1
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 1 students across the curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Informal Measurement Task - The Longest Finger
Explore informal measurement with a printable informal measurement task workbook.
- Plus Plan
Marine Measuring With Informal Units Interactive
Dive into measurement with informal units using an engaging ocean-themed interactive measurement activity.
- Free Plan
Measuring, Comparing and Ordering Height Worksheet
Measure length using informal units with an engaging hands-on collaborative measurement activity.
- Plus Plan
Informal Units Rulers
Use printable informal measuring rulers to introduce your little learners to the world of measurement.
- Plus Plan
Measuring at the Movies – Informal Units Interactive
Practise measuring with informal units with an exciting movie-themed interactive drag-and-drop activity.
- Plus Plan
Jack and the Beanstalk - Informal Measurement Worksheet
A simple worksheet using informal units measurement.
- Plus Plan
Capacity Maths Investigation — Filling the Fish Tank Activity
A mathematics investigation involving capacity, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Using Units of Measurement Worksheets - Year 1
4 measurement worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Sky High - Connecting Cubes Measurement Activity
Practise measuring in informal units using connecting cubes with a digital measurement activity.
- Plus Plan
Using Greater Than - Less Than Symbols - Halloween Worksheet
Practise using the greater than, less than, and equal to symbols to compare two-digit numbers with a fun Halloween worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Clovers Worksheet
Measure familiar objects using our lucky clover in this St Patrick’s Day maths activity!
- Plus Plan
Capacity Maths Investigation - Bath Time at the Farm!
A mathematics investigation involving capacity, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Capacity Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of capacity.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Comparing Numbers Worksheet - Ten Frames
Model and compare numbers to twenty using ten frames with a fun and engaging Halloween maths worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Informal Measurement - Task Cards
A set of task cards to use when learning about informal measurement.
- Plus Plan
Volume Hands On Activity — The Popcorn Challenge!
Make learning ‘pop’ with this volume hands on activity — ‘The Popcorn Challenge!’
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Christmas Game
Have some Christmas maths fun with an interactive, self-checking comparing numbers game.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Colour By Number - One More or Less
Practise finding numbers that are one more and one less than with a printable Christmas colour-by-number worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers - Halloween Maths Worksheets
Comparing numbers just got a little creepier with exciting Halloween-themed kindergarten maths worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers-Halloween Word Problems
Practise comparing numbers using MAB blocks with a Halloween Maths word problem worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Assessment - Measuring Length with Informal Units
A 30 minute assessment in which students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of length.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Informal Units Unit Plan
This Mathematics unit addresses the concept of measuring, comparing and ordering length using informal units.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Capacity with Informal Units
This Mathematics unit addresses the concept of measuring, comparing and ordering capacity using informal units.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Capacity
A 60 minute lesson in which students will be introduced to and explore the concept of capacity.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Capacities
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore and compare the capacity of containers.