identify which metric units are used to measure everyday items; use measurements of familiar items and known units to make estimates
- examining the packaging on supermarket items to determine the metric unit used to describe the mass or volume of the contents
- identifying items that have a mass of one kilogram or 500 grams, or a capacity of one litre or 500 millilitres, and using these benchmarks to estimate the mass or capacity of other things, explaining their reasoning
- estimating the height of a tree by comparing it to the height of their friend and quoting the result as ‘The tree is about 3 times as tall’; and estimating the capacity of a fish tank by using a litre milk carton as a benchmark
- choosing and using metres to estimate the dimensions of the classroom
- Plus Plan
Mass Mystery Escape Room
Explore the different elements of mass with this super fun and engaging escape room resource.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practise measuring objects to the nearest centimetre and millimetre with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Formal Units Teaching Slides
Introduce your students to the formal units to measure length with an engaging, interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Paper Airplane Challenge - Measuring Distance Maths Activity
Practise measuring distance and have fun hosting a paper plane competition using a printable math investigation workbook.
- Plus Plan
Measuring My Body – Length Worksheet
Explore linear measurement with an engaging collaborative activity where students measure different body parts and compare them.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass Digital Learning Activity
Practise measuring mass with this fun and engaging digital learning slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Using Units of Measurement Worksheets Bundle
Download year 3 worksheets for using units of measurement that are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Scavenger Hunt Activity - Formal Units of Measure
Practise measuring in millimetres, centimetres, and metres with an engaging Measurement Scavenger Hunt!
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm-Ups Interactive PowerPoint – Year 3
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 3 students across the Mathematics curriculum.
- Free Plan
Reading Scales – Measuring Mass Worksheet
A worksheet for students to use when learning to read scaled instruments to measure mass.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Assessment Tool for Year 3
A set of 6 numeracy assessment tools suited to Year 3 students.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Capacity – Reading Scales Worksheet
Use this capacity worksheet to give students practice at reading scales on containers to measure capacity.
- Plus Plan
Selecting Units of Capacity — Interactive Game
Estimate the units needed to measure capacity with an Interactive Measurement Game!
- Plus Plan
Three Little Pigs Area Measurement Worksheet
A measurement activity to help students understand how to measure area in squares.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Maths Craft - Robot Template
Use a fun robot-themed maths craft with your students when learning about measuring to the nearest centimetre.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass Task Cards
Explore estimation and measuring mass with this set of 24 word problem task cards.
- Free Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game – Measuring Mass with Scales
A game to reinforce the skill of reading scaled instruments when measuring mass.
- Plus Plan
All About Mass Teaching Slides
Learn all about mass using this engaging set of teaching slides.
- Free Plan
Data Maths Investigation – Line Up the Coins
A mathematics investigation about data, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Numeracy Exit Tickets
21 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
All About Mass Worksheet Pack
Practise the metric units used to measure the mass of objects with this set of worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Reading Scales – Measuring Mass Match-Up Worksheet
A worksheet to give students practice at reading scales to measure mass.
- Plus Plan
How Much Does It Measure? Match-Up Activity (Length, Mass and Capacity)
Reinforce measurement concepts of length, mass and capacity with 18 printable matching cards.
- Plus Plan
Selecting Units of Mass – Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students identify objects that should be measured in grams, kilograms and tonnes.
- Plus Plan
Mass Maths Investigation - How Much Do We Throw Away?
A mathematics investigation about measuring mass, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Mass Calculations Word Problem Worksheets
Put mass understanding into practise with this set of three word problem worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Understanding Mass True or False Sorting Activity
Practise the understanding of mass as a measurement with this printable mass sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Units of Measurement Word Wall Vocabulary
Print a pack of measurement vocabulary cards to help your students review academic vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Word Search with Solution
A fun word search to help your students learn measurement vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Selecting Units of Length - Sorting Activity
Use this Year 3 measurement activity to help students identify lengths and distances that should be measured in millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Measurement Poster (Imperial)
Use these posters to assist your students in learning the different units of measurement in the imperial system.
- Plus Plan
Measuring With Mass Interactive Task Cards
Explore how to measure mass with this fun and interactive set of digital task cards.