add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers using place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to assist in calculations without a calculator
- using partitioning and part-part-whole models and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to solve addition or subtraction problems, making informal written ‘jottings’ to keep track of the numbers if necessary
- using physical or virtual grouped materials or diagrams to make proportional models of numbers to assist in calculations, for example, to calculate 214 + 325, representing 214 as 2 groups of 100, one group of 10 and 4 ones and 325 as 3 groups of 100, 2 groups of 10 and 5 ones, resulting in 5 groups of 100, 3 groups of 10 and 9 ones, which is 539
- choosing between standard and non-standard place value partitions to assist with calculations, for example, to solve 485 + 365, thinking of 365 as 350 + 15, then adding the parts, 485 + 15 = 500, 500 + 350 = 850
- solving subtraction problems efficiently by adding or subtracting a constant amount to both numbers to create an easier calculation; for example, 534 − 395, adding 5 to both numbers to make 539 − 400 = 139
- justifying choices about partitioning and regrouping numbers in terms of their usefulness for particular calculations when solving problems
- applying knowledge of place value to assist in calculations when solving problems involving larger numbers; for example, calculating the total crowd numbers for an agricultural show that lasts a week
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Task Cards
Practice solving 1- and 2-step word problems by adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
The Addition Algorithm – Teaching Presentation
Use this editable interactive teaching presentation with your students when explaining how to use the addition algorithm with regrouping.
- Free Plan
Addition Strategies Cheat Sheet
Help students understand the different addition strategies with this helpful cheat sheet.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping - Anchor Charts
Break down the steps to use regrouping to find a solution with an addition and a subtraction poster.
- Free Plan
Adding 2-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Practise 2-digit addition with regrouping with this drill and practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Thousands Place Value Number Expander Template
Explore expanding 4 digit numbers with your students using this number expander template.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value Game - Interactive Activity
Consolidate knowledge of Year 3 place value concepts with an interactive 4-Digit Place Value Game.
- Plus Plan
The Subtraction Algorithm – Teaching Presentation
Use this animated PowerPoint with your students when learning how to use the subtraction algorithm and borrowing.
- Plus Plan
Rounding on a Number Line Worksheet Set
Use our rounding on a number line worksheet set to give your students practise using a number line to round numbers up to the hundred thousands place.
- Free Plan
Rounding Large Numbers Worksheet Set
Share this rounding large numbers worksheet set with your students so they can cut-and-paste their way to understanding rounding.
- Free Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (4-Digit Numbers)
Use this set of dominoes when learning how to match 4-digit numbers written in standard form and expanded form.
- Plus Plan
Addition Detectives PowerPoint
An engaging 43-slide PowerPoint styled as a detective story in which students are tasked with using different addition strategies to uncover suspects.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value - Assessment
An open-ended worksheet to use when assessing your students' knowledge of place value to the thousands.
- Free Plan
Subtraction Strategies – Assessment
Assess your students’ knowledge of subtraction strategies with a subtraction assessment.
- Plus Plan
Exploring 4-Digit Place Value PowerPoint
A 31 slide PowerPoint template to use when exploring place value to thousands.
- Plus Plan
Rounding Numbers – Teaching Slides
Teach the basics of rounding numbers with this engaging animated PowerPoint.
- Plus Plan
3 Digit Subtraction With Regrouping Game Cards
Practise 3-Digit subtraction with regrouping strategies with a printable set of subtraction strategy task cards.
- Plus Plan
Flip, Draw, Expand! - Place Value Worksheet (4-Digit Numbers)
A worksheet to use when consolidating understanding of place value to thousands.
- Plus Plan
Split Strategy Worksheet
Practise using the split strategy when adding two-digit numbers with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Strategies for Subtraction PowerPoint
Explore and teach multiple subtraction strategies with an instructional slide deck
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy for Subtraction – PowerPoint
Teach your students to subtract two-digit numbers using the jump strategy with an instructional teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value Card Game - Race to 10 000
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of adding and subtracting in groups of 10, 100 and 1000.
- Plus Plan
Printable Maths Mats - Graphic Organisers
Practice working on specific math concepts with our set of 5 printable math graphic organisers.
- Free Plan
2-Digit Addition Colour by Number - Halloween Mystery Picture
Celebrate the coming of Halloween and practise adding 2-digit numbers up to 99 with this set of Halloween mystery picture worksheets.
- Free Plan
Addition Worm – Worksheet
Build your students' addition skills with this fun set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Year 3
16 number worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
The Escape From Millbrook Manor – Whole Class Escape Game
Practise computation skills by solving puzzles with this differentiated Halloween escape room game.
- Plus Plan
Compensation Strategy for Subtraction - Teaching Slides
Teach your students to use the compensation strategy for subtraction with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Practice 2-digit subtraction with regrouping with this drill and practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Rounding 6 Digit Numbers Game — Interactive Picture Reveal
Invite your students to play this rounding 6 digit numbers game to review rounding whole numbers up to the hundred thousands place.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Wall Display
A place value wall display for the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Numeral Expander - Tens of Thousands
A numeral expander template to use when exploring five-digit numbers.