interpret, compare and order numbers with more than 2 decimal places, including numbers greater than one, using place value understanding; represent these on a number line
- making models of decimals including tenths, hundredths and thousandths by subdividing materials or grids, and explaining the multiplicative relationship between consecutive places; for example, explaining that thousandths are 10 times smaller than hundredths, or writing numbers into a place value chart to compare and order them
- renaming decimals to assist with mental computation; for example, when asked to solve 0.6 ÷ 10 they rename 6 tenths as 60 hundredths and say, ‘If I divide 60 hundredths by 10, I get 6 hundredths’ and write 0.6 ÷ 10 = 0.06
- using a number line or number track to represent and locate decimals with varying numbers of decimal places and numbers greater than one and justifying the placement; for example, 2.335 is halfway between 2.33 and 2.34, that is, 2.33 < 2.335 < 2.34, and 5.283 is between 5.28 and 5.29 but closer to 5.28
- interpreting and comparing the digits in decimal measures, for example, the length or mass of animals or plants, such as a baby echidna weighing 1.78 kilograms and a platypus weighing 1.708 kilograms
- interpreting plans or diagrams showing length measures as decimals, placing the numbers into a decimal place value chart to connect the digits to their value
- Free Plan
Blank Number Lines - Printable
Print a set of open number lines to help you teach a variety of maths skills.
- Plus Plan
Decimal and Place Value Chart
Provide your students with our decimal and place value chart to make comparing and ordering decimals a breeze!
- Plus Plan
Interactive Maths Review – Activities for Years 5, 6 and 7
Review important maths concepts covered in years 5, 6 and 7 with a student-led interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Order and Compare Decimals With Models and Place Value — Teaching Slides
Teach your students to order and compare decimals with models and place value with these teaching slides that feature decimals represented as fractions, MAB blocks, and 100s grids.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Worksheets
Utilise these comparing and ordering decimals worksheets to introduce your students to multiple decimal representations.
- Plus Plan
Compare and Order Decimals Worksheet
Build decimal place value understanding with a printable worksheet for comparing and ordering decimals.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Chart with Decimals
Display this place value chart in your classroom to remind your students of place value from millions to millionths.
- Free Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Worksheet
Get students comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths place with this printable worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Fractions and Decimals Worksheets
Use these fractions and decimals worksheets in your Year 5 classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Decimals on a Number Line — Year 4 Worksheet
Practice ordering decimals on a number line with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Decimal Place Value Worksheets
Use these decimal place value worksheets to help your students analyse patterns in decimal place values out to the thousandths place.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Numeracy Exit Tickets
20 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Order and Compare Decimals Maze Set
Flex your decimal skills with this order and compare decimals maze set that features decimals out to the thousandths place.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides
Use our pizza-themed comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides to teach your students to compare and order decimals to the thousandths place using a place value chart.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 - Decimal Place Value Assessment
Assess your students' skills with decimals and place value using a printable Year 5 Decimal Place Value Test.
- Plus Plan
Decimals and Percentages Assessment
Assess students' knowledge of various decimals and percentages concepts with this four-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Assessment Tool - Year 5
A set of 6 numeracy assessment tools suited to Year 5 students
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Worksheet for Year 5
Practise using number lines to compare and order decimals with this worksheet.
- Free Plan
Open Number Line Worksheets
Provide your students with a blank number line worksheet for number and algebra work.
- Plus Plan
Describe That Decimal Worksheet
Explore the place value of decimals with this versatile one-page printable worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Decimal Exit Tickets (Place Value, Rounding, Ordering and Computation)
Assess student understanding of decimal place value, rounding, ordering and computation with this set of 21 exit tickets.
- Plus Plan
Decimal Place Value – Digital and Printable Worksheet
Get students analysing decimal place value positions with this “This or That?” worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Decimal Place Value Game – Find A Decimal Who...
Explore decimal place value with your students using an interactive whole-class game.
- Plus Plan
Decimal War Board Game
Compare decimals by means of numerals, words and Base 10 block representations with this printable board game.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Decimals — Year 5 Bump Game
Compare decimals through the thousandths place with a comparing decimals game designed for year 5 students.
- Plus Plan
Decimals on Number Lines Task Cards for Year 5
Sharpen your year 5 students’ abilities to identify decimals on a number line with a set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Diving Into Decimals Interactive Game
Use this interactive activity to take a deep dive into decimals while improving skills with decimal operations and place value concepts.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups PowerPoint - Year 5
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 5 students across the curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Patterns in Place Value Teaching Slides
Strengthen student understanding of decimal place value and the relationship between place value positions with this instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Money Place Value Chart Activity Set
‘Bank’ on this money place value chart activity set to make teaching decimal concepts a breeze!
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Task Cards
Have students practise comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths place with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Naming Decimals Worksheet
Get students applying decimal place value skills to represent numbers to the thousandths place in standard, word and expanded form.