recognise that 100% represents the complete whole and use percentages to describe, represent and compare relative size; connect familiar percentages to their decimal and fraction equivalents
- recognising applications of percentages used in everyday contexts, for example, the bar model used for charging devices indicating the percentage of power remaining, and advertising in retail contexts relating to discounts or sales
- creating a model by subdividing a whole (for example, using 10 × 10 grids to represent various percentage amounts) and recognising complementary percentages (such as 30% and 70%) combine to make 100%
- creating a model by subdividing a collection of materials, such as blocks or money, to connect decimals and percentage equivalents of tenths and the commonly used fractions 1/2, 1/4, and 3/4; for example, connecting that one-tenth or 0.1 represents 10% and one-half or 0.5 represents 50%, and recognising that 60% of a whole is 10% more of the whole than 50%
- using physical and virtual materials to represent the relationship between decimal notation and percentages, for example, 0.3 is 3 out of every 10, which is 30 out of every 100, which is 30%
- Plus Plan
Year 6 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Worksheets
Use these fractions, decimals and percentages worksheets in your Year 6 classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Plus Plan
Decimals and Percentages Maths Investigation – Plan a Party!
Get your students connecting their maths knowledge to the real world with this decimals and percentages party planning project.
- Free Plan
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Bingo
Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages with this engaging Bingo game the whole class can enjoy!
- Plus Plan
Decimals and Percentages Assessment
Assess students' knowledge of various decimals and percentages concepts with this four-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Percentages, Fractions, Decimals Worksheet
A worksheet connecting percentage, decimal and fraction values.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Fractions, Decimals and Percentages – Worksheet
Strengthen student understanding of how to compare fractions, decimals and percentages with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Maths Mazes (Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)
Determine equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages in this puzzling maths maze.
- Plus Plan
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Match-Up Game
Get students converting fractions, decimals and percentages with this hands-on maths game aligned with the upper primary maths curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Pizza Fraction Posters
Display information about fractions, decimals and percentages with this poster pack.
- Free Plan
Converting Percentages Year 6 Worksheet
Print a year 6 maths worksheet about converting a percent to a decimal or a fraction.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalence
Reinforce students' understanding of fraction, decimal and percentage equivalence with a whole-class game.
- Plus Plan
Find the Whole From a Percentage Worksheet
Practise how to find the whole from a percentage with this standard-practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Mega Matcher (Fractions, Decimals and Percentages) Year 6 Interactive Game
Match equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages with this interactive activity with a code cracking twist.
- Plus Plan
Year 6 Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
23 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Free Plan
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Polygon Puzzle
A puzzle using fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
Introducing Percentages PowerPoint
A 12 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing percentages to your students.
- Free Plan
Fraction, Percentage and Decimal Word Wall Vocabulary
Print your own fraction, percentage and decimal vocabulary for use on a maths word wall.
- Plus Plan
Converting Fractions and Decimals – Worksheet
Solve problems that involve converting fractions and decimals with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages – Task Cards
Practise converting percentages into decimals and fractions with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Complex Dot-to-Dot – Fractions and Decimals Puzzle for Year 6
Challenge year 6 students with a complex dot-to-dot where students demonstrate understanding of fractions and decimals.
- Plus Plan
Converting Percentages – Maths Mazes
Practise converting fractions, decimals and percentages with this set of maths mazes.
- Plus Plan
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Vocabulary Poster
A poster to help students learn the vocabulary associated with fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
Percent of a Number Match-Up Activity
Practise how to find the percent of a number with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Converting Decimals, Fractions and Percentages – Worksheet
Strengthen your students’ understanding of how to convert a percent to a decimal and a fraction with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Percent Matching Game for Year 6 Maths
Match fractions, decimals and percentages with this printable matching game for year 6.
- Plus Plan
Fraction, Percentage and Decimal Wheels
Explore equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages with this set of wheels perfect for hands-on learning.
- Plus Plan
Using Tape Diagrams to Find the Whole From a Percentage – Worksheet
Calculate the whole from a percentage using tape diagrams with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Find the Whole From a Percent — Year 6 Maths Mazes
Print a set of 3 maths mazes for year 6 to practise solving percentage problems.
- Plus Plan
Percent Models I Have Who Has? Game
Practise identifying percentages with visual percent models by playing an exciting 'I Have, Who Has?' game.
- Plus Plan
Operations with Decimals and Percentages Unit Plan - Year 5 and Year 6
This Mathematics unit covers a range of concepts relating to decimals and percentages; specifically calculations.
- Plus Plan
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalence
A 60 minute lesson in which students will make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
Maths Investigation - Prepare to Party (1)
A 60 minute lesson in which students will apply knowledge of decimals and percentages to a real-world context.