describe and perform translations, reflections and rotations of shapes, using dynamic geometry software where appropriate; recognise what changes and what remains the same, and identify any symmetries
- understanding and explaining that translations, rotations and reflections can change the position and orientation of a shape but not its shape or size
- using pattern blocks and paper, tracing around a shape and then conducting a series of one-step transformations and tracing each resulting image, and then finally copying the original position and end position on a new sheet of paper
- demonstrating how different combinations of transformations can produce the same resulting image
- challenging classmates to select a combination of transformations to move from an original image to the final image, noting the different combinations by using different colours to trace images
- investigating how animal tracks can be interpreted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples using the transformation of their shapes, to help determine and understand animal behaviour
- Plus Plan
Location and Transformation Worksheets - Year 5
7 location and transformation worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Tangram Treats – Task Cards and Templates
Explore the properties of geometric shapes with this set of scaffolded tangram shapes task cards and cut-out tangram templates.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Assessment Tool - Year 5
A set of 6 numeracy assessment tools suited to Year 5 students
- Plus Plan
2D Symmetry Poster - Reflection and Rotational
This 2D symmetry poster explores both reflection and rotational symmetry.
- Plus Plan
Reflection, Translation, Rotation Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between reflection, translation and rotation.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Numeracy Exit Tickets
20 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Free Plan
Flip, Slide, Turn Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between flipping, sliding and turning a shape.
- Plus Plan
Transformation Poster and Worksheets
A poster and worksheets to teach children about transformations.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups PowerPoint - Year 5
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 5 students across the curriculum.