partition and combine collections up to 10 using part-part-whole relationships and subitising to recognise and name the parts
- recognising numbers represented in physical or virtual ten-frames, and describing their reasoning: ‘It’s 7 because there is 5 there and 2 more’
- partitioning collections of up to 10 objects in different ways and saying the part-part-whole relationship; for example, partitioning a collection of 6 counters into 4 counters and 2 counters and saying, ‘6 is 4 and 2 more, it’s 2 and 4’, then partitioning the same collection into 5 and 1 or 3 and 3
- representing part-part-whole relationships in numbers up to 10 using physical or virtual materials; for example, identifying numbers represented by dots in standard number configurations such as on dominoes and dice by recognising parts that form the whole
- exploring number groupings in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ counting systems and the different ways of representing these groupings to form and partition numbers, applying this to quantify collections of objects in the environment on Country/Place up to 10
- Plus Plan
Ten is a Match! - Memory-Style Game
Practise matching rainbow facts, or two numbers that add up to 10, with this set of 24 number cards.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frames Counting Flowers Task Cards
Step up your students’ tens frames, number recognition, counting and subitising skills with a set of spring-themed task cards.
- Plus Plan
Subitise and Exercise
Get active with this subitise and exercise teaching brain break presentation.
- Plus Plan
Valentine's Day Maths - Counting to 20 Task Cards
Count objects with a Valentine’s Day game of Memory!
- Plus Plan
Foundation Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
18 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Shopping Trolley Match-Up Activity
A fun activity to be used to reinforce a variety of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Numbers Unit Plan
This Mathematics unit addresses a range of number concepts involving identifying, sequencing and representing.
- Plus Plan
Representing Numbers - Assessment
Use these resources and more to asses your students' progress in this unit.
- Plus Plan
Practising Subitising
A 60 minute lesson in which students will quickly identify a small collection of objects with the use of subitising.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Small Collections
A 60 minute lesson in which students will use subitising to count small collections.