Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves
- Free Plan
Life Cycle of a Frog
A poster showing the life cycle of a frog.
- Plus Plan
Numbat Life Cycle Poster & Worksheets
Explore the life cycle of a numbat with a printable poster and Numbat Life Cycle Worksheet Pack.
- Plus Plan
Australian Animals — Adaptations Worksheets
Research and write about amazing animal adaptations with our Australian Animals Adaptation Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - How Does Soil Affect Seed Growth?
Explore the effect of soil type on growth and change of a seedling with a hands-on science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Life Stages Worksheet
An open-ended task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how animals grow and change.
- Plus Plan
My Life Stages 'Lift the Flap' Template
A template to use when learning about human life stages.
- Plus Plan
Animal Families Worksheet
Identify the names of female animals, male animals and their babies with an Animal Family Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Plant Life Cycle Anchor Chart
Display and discuss the life cycle of a flower with a printable anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Plant Vocabulary Words - Sorting Activity
Help students become familiar with vocabulary related to plants with a hands-on matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Plant Life Cycle Worksheet - Cut and Paste
Help your students cement their understanding of the plant life cycle with a cut and paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Art of Bark Outdoor Activity
An integrated science and art activity for observing plants in the environment.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives All Around - Outdoor Observation Activity
Engaging activities where students observe and describe their outdoors environment.
- Plus Plan
Sequencing Life Cycles Worksheet
An activity for students to use when learning about life cycles.
- Plus Plan
Silkworm 'Lift the Flap' Life Stages Template
An activity for students to use when learning about life stages.
- Plus Plan
Fly Life Cycle Sort Activity
Help your students concrete their understanding of the fly life cycle with this interactive game.
- Plus Plan
Eggs-ellent Dominoes
A set of dominoes to use in the classroom when investigating animals which lay eggs.
- Plus Plan
Frog Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of the frog life cycle with this interactive game.
- Plus Plan
Growth and Change Unit Plan
This Biological Sciences unit explores how living things grow and change. Animal offspring (including humans) are compared with their parents and plants are grown from seed in order to observe change over a period of weeks.
- Plus Plan
This is Your Life
A 60 minute lesson in which students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the stages of the human life cycle.
- Plus Plan
Big Changes!
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop their understanding of the concept of metamorphosis.
- Plus Plan
Going Through Stages
A 60 minute lesson in which students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of simple life cycles.
- Plus Plan
Mothers, Fathers and Babies
A 60 minute lesson in which students will compare observable features of adults and offspring and identify the proper names of adults and their offspring.
- Plus Plan
A-Planting We Will Go!
A 60 minute lesson in which students will plant seeds following the procedure of the scientific method.
- Plus Plan
How Do Living Things Change?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will activate prior knowledge about how living things change as they grow.