With National Day Against Bullying and Violence coming up on the 18th of March. It’s timely to reflect and spend some time focusing on the impacts bullying can have on a person. I found this wonderful idea off Encourage Play blog.
Wrinkled Heart Activity
- Provide every student with a coloured heart before watching the following YouTube clip. The YouTube clip features the story – Chrysanthemum!
- Explain to your students that they will need to listen carefully.
- When the characters in the story use mean words, they need to scrunch up their paper hearts.
- Every time Chrysanthemum’s parents use kind words, students need to try and smooth out their paper hearts.
At the end of the story, have students smooth out the hearts as much as possible and try to fix any rips with sticky tape.
Compare a heart that hasn’t been wrinkled with the wrinkled hearts around the classroom.
Explain to your students that although saying sorry is the right thing to do, it still doesn’t fix the mean words that were said first! The students can smooth out their wrinkled paper hearts, but the feelings from the mean words are the wrinkles that will always be there!
Hang up the hearts in your classroom as a reminder to your students how their words can have a massive impact on their fellow classmates!