Our lovely friend over @littlemisskindy_ has shared her single letter art and craft she has done so far this year! More to come!
I had to share, I just think they are the cutest images and can see young students absolutely loving creating these gorgeous letter characters.
Create a template for each of these letters and have them printed on coloured paper for your students to cut out and create!
A is for Alligator
D is for Dinosaur
M is for Mouse
T is for Tiger
S is for Snake
I is for Ice cream
N is for Night
G is for Goat
O is for Octopus
P is for Peacock
B is for Bee
F is for Fish
H is for House
V is for Vase
X is for Xylophone
Let us know what art and craft you do for letters and sounds in the early years. We would love to hear from you!