Goals and Feedback Teaching Resources
Help your students reach their learning goals with these helpful goals and feedback teaching resources. Resources available include display posters, brag tags, visible learning goal PowerPoints, growth mindset resources and reflective thinking sentence starters. Also available are goals and I can statements for Literacy and Numeracy.
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The Magic of Independent Learning - Individual Posters
Individual posters with sequential stages to help students learn independently.
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The Science of Independent Learning - Banner
A banner for the The Science of Independent Learning posters.
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I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 3)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
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The Magic of Independent Learning - Banner
A banner for the The Magic of Independent Learning posters.
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I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 2)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
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The Science of Independent Learning - Poster
Poster to help students learn independently in the classroom.
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WALT, WILF, TIB, WINK, WAGOLL and TILT Upper Grades Posters
A set of 8 posters for We Are Learning To (WALT), What Im Looking For (WILF), This Is Because (TIB), 'What A Good One Looks Like' (WAGOLL) and Today I Learned That/To (TILT).
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I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 1)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
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The Magic of Independent Learning - Full Poster
Poster to help students learn independently in the classroom.
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Positive Self-Talk Bookmark
A bookmark with positive self-talk affirmations.
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Grammar Tracking Chart – Monster Theme
A classroom display that allows students to see their progress towards using correct grammar and punctuation in their sentences.
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KLA Learning Intention Posters
Posters to display the learning intentions for each KLA.
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Learning Intention and Success Criteria Posters
A set of posters to plan your learning intention and success criteria with your class and display it in your room.
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KLA Balloon Class Goals
KLA class goals presented on balloons.
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Captain Yet Goal Tracker (Captain Yet Version) – Template
A Captain Yet template for students to track the progress of their goals.
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Captain Yet Goal Sticker Chart (Captain Yet Version) – Template
A Captain Yet template for students to track the progress of their goals.
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We're Aiming High Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your bump it up display.
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We're Aiming High - Bump It Up Data Wall Display
A hot air balloon themed Bump It Up Wall to display in your classroom.
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Are We There Yet? Captain Yet's Joyous Journey – Poster
A Captain Yet poster to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
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Captain Yet: Nup's Odyssey It's Not Over Yet – Large Posters
Large Captain Yet posters to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
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Captain Yet Inspired Goals – Template
A reflection template for students to use their strengths and Captain Yet's strategies to achieve their goals.
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Captain Yet Advice – Dice Game
A dice game where students get given a challenging scenario and give advice using Captain Yet's optimistic solutions.
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Class Goal Tracker - Underwater Theme
A spelling/reading/numeracy goal tracker for your students to use in your classroom.
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Captain Yet Upper Years Goal Achievement Log – Template
A Captain Yet template for students to track the progress of their goals.
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Captain Yet Goal Tracker (Pirate Nup Version) – Template
A Captain Yet template for students to track the progress of their goals.
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Captain Yet Goal Sticker Chart (Pirate Nup Version) – Template
A Captain Yet template for students to track the progress of their goals.
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Emotion Demotion - Brag Tags
Use these brag tags to encourage and celebrate positive social behaviour in the classroom.
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Science of Independent Learning - Brag Tags
Use these brag tags to encourage and celebrate positive independent behaviour in the classroom.
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Magic of Independent Learning - Brag Tags
Use these brag tags to encourage and celebrate positive independent behaviour in the classroom.
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Class Reading Level Display 1-30
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
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The Adventures of Pirate Nup and Captain Yet – Comic
Captain Yet themed posters to help students figure out how to problem solve common every day challenges.
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OLI (Our Learning Intention) Custom Headings
Create your own OLI (Our Learning Intention) headings to use in your classroom.