Addition Teaching Resources
A large collection of teaching resources to use when your students are learning to add numbers and apply addition strategies. Use the educational posters as a visual stimulus in your primary classroom. Also provided are hands-on learning activities, games, worksheets and maths worksheet generator and maths mentals widgets. These widgets allow you to customise daily worksheets and quizzes for your students, using the number range of your choice. Use the pre and post tests to ascertain each student's prior knowledge before starting an addition or operations unit of work.
- Plus Plan
Maths Word Problem Match-Up Game - 0-50 Addition and Subtraction
Twenty word problem cards for addition and subtraction using numbers 0-50.
- Plus Plan
Addition Counting Strategies Posters
A set of four posters with clear examples of counting strategies.
- Plus Plan
Double Bubble - Doubling Game
A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition Riddle Worksheet
Download this simple addition worksheet to provide your students with practice adding one- and two-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Dice Game
A set of 6 order of operations dice activity mats.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Fact Families PowerPoint
A 19 page editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when introducing addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies Posters
Create an addition strategies display for your pupils with this set of 7 posters.
- Plus Plan
Dominate the Dragon – Mental Maths Worksheets
Capture your students' interest in maths drills for all four operations with these fun dragon-themed differentiated maths worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Bump! – Addition to 10 Game
An addition board game to help consolidate facts to ten.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy: Subtraction – Worksheet
A subtraction worksheet that focuses on the jump strategy.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy PowerPoint
An 11-slide, editable teaching presentation that focuses on the jump strategy.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Worksheet
An addition worksheet that focuses on the jump strategy.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Regrouping
An addition and a subtraction poster that break down the steps to use regrouping to find a solution.
- Plus Plan
A poster highlighting the acronym for BIDMAS/BIMDAS.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Game
A fun and challenging game to use when learning how to use the jump strategy to solve addition problems.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Middle)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Lower)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Addition Using Partitioning – Poster and Worksheets
Teach your students how to use partitioning for two-digit addition with this ice cream-themed poster and worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards (Numbers 10-50)
Use a range of addition and subtraction strategies to solve twenty word problems that contain numbers 10–50.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies: Using Doubles Worksheet
Consolidate your students' understanding of the 'near doubles' addition strategy with this basic worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Adding 2-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Practice 2-digit addition with regrouping with this drill and practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Maths Mazes (Friends of Ten)
A set of friends of ten mazes where students find missing addends to solve the maze.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Minute Maths Booklet
A maths warm-up booklet with ten pages of addition and subtraction questions.
- Plus Plan
Split Strategy PowerPoint
An 11-slide teaching presentation that focuses on the split strategy.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies Worksheet
A worksheet to use when consolidating multiple addition strategies.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of making 10.
- Plus Plan
Linking Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
A worksheet designed to explore the relationship between addition and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Split Strategy Worksheet
A worksheet that focuses on using the split strategy to add two-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Moving Mathematics Activity - Fact Family Triangles
A fun mathematics activity that explores the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
A poster highlighting the acronym for BOMDAS.
- Plus Plan
Addition Match-Up Puzzles
A set of 15 match-up cards to scaffold work with addition word problems.
- Plus Plan
Picture Addition Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.