Biological Sciences Teaching Resources for Key Stage 1
- Plus Plan
Pets and Their Needs Posters
A set of four posters covering dogs, cats, fish and birds and their needs as domestic pets.
- Plus Plan
The Code of Care for Small Animals Poster
A poster to use encourage the care of small animals during biological science research.
- Plus Plan
Comparing a Lion Cub with an Adult Lion Template
A worksheet for students to brainstorm the similarities and differences between a lion cub and an adult lion.
- Plus Plan
Female, Male and Baby Animals Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to identify the names of female animals, male animals and their babies.
- Plus Plan
Animal Classification – Mammals Posters
A poster highlighting the features of mammals.
- Plus Plan
Life Cycle of a Chicken Poster
Teach your students about the life cycle of a chicken with this colourful classroom poster perfect for early years science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Amphibians vs Reptiles Worksheet Pack
Compare Amphibians vs. Reptiles and their characteristics with our printable animal comparison worksheets.
- Free Plan
Bird Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty-three bird related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Jack's Garden - Science Experiment
A Jack and the Beanstalk themed Science activity.
- Plus Plan
Plant and Animal Sort – Task Cards
A set of task cards and picture cards for sorting plants and animals into groups.
- Plus Plan
Inherited versus Learned Behaviours Poster
A poster explaining the difference between inherited and learned behaviours.
- Plus Plan
Water is Life PowerPoint
An editable PowerPoint teaching resource about water.
- Plus Plan
Fascinating Facts About Animals Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a magazine article about animals.
- Plus Plan
External Features of Farm Animals
A pack of worksheets, posters and a PowerPoint to explore the external features of farm animals.
- Plus Plan
Living and Non-Living Things - Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of vocabulary words relating to living and non-living things.
- Plus Plan
Marine Life Word Wall Vocabulary
45 marine life word wall vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Amazing Ants! – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for an article about ants from the Year 1 magazine (Issue 3).
- Plus Plan
Species Snapshot Worksheet - Naked Mole Rat
A comprehension worksheet for a species snapshot magazine article about the naked mole rat.
- Plus Plan
Identifying the External Features of a Butterfly
A 4 page worksheet and answer sheet to use when teaching and learning about the external features of living things.
- Plus Plan
Predict and Prove – Template
A template to help introduce making a hypothesis before starting an investigation.
- Plus Plan
Science Pattern Match Cards
A set of 89 task cards to help students learn about patterns in nature.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing - Animal Research Task
An 8 page booklet for students to record facts about animals when learning to write informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Why Our Bodies Need Water Poster
A poster to display in the classroom when learning about why living things need water.
- Plus Plan
Male, Female, Baby, and Group Animal Names- Posters
5 pages of posters with animal names.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Living Things Venn Diagram
A Venn diagram worksheet to use when comparing the external features of living things.
- Plus Plan
Benefits of Sleep Poster
A poster examining what happens when you sleep, the benefits of good sleep and healthy sleeping patterns.
- Plus Plan
Wildlife Hero Pledge Worksheet
An environmental pledge for students to complete.
- Plus Plan
Animal Fact File Worksheet
An animal fact file for students to complete when learning about a variety of animals.
- Plus Plan
Identifying the External Features of an Ant
A 3 page worksheet to use when teaching and learning about the external features of living things.
- Plus Plan
Identifying the External Features of an Earthworm Worksheet
A 3 page worksheet to use when teaching and learning about the external features of living things.
- Plus Plan
Seedlings Vocabulary Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity to help students become familiar with vocabulary related to seedlings.
- Plus Plan
Field Notes – Holiday Activity Pack
Keep children inspired and entertained with this mini nature journal pack.