Earth and Space Sciences Teaching Resources
An extensive collection of earth and space teaching resources to use in the classroom. Within this collection, you will find teaching resources covering topics such as geology, seasons and weather, space and solar system and water and atmosphere. Display and use the variety of earth and space themed posters, worksheets, activities, unit and lesson plans, PowerPoint activities and vocabulary word wall cards when learning about the planet Earth.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disasters Effects and Management Worksheet
An activity to use when exploring the potential effects of natural disasters, and how to manage these.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Diagram
Display this water cycle diagram when teaching about the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of the Earth.
- Plus Plan
Water Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Water' display board.
- Plus Plan
Earthquakes - Shake, Rattle and Fall Experiment
An hands-on experiment to be conducted by students when investigating earthquakes.
- Plus Plan
Types of Rocks Posters
Teach your students information about the three basic types of rock with a set of printable Types of Rocks Anchor Charts.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Words - Illustrated Word Wall
Boost vocabulary skills and understanding with an illustrated water cycle word wall.
- Plus Plan
Space Word Search
Review science vocabulary terms with an engaging space word search.
- Plus Plan
You're out of this World Certificates
A space themed certificate awarded to a student for reaching new heights.
- Plus Plan
Moon Phases Worksheet - Southern Hemisphere
A worksheet to use when teaching students about the phases of the moon.
- Plus Plan
Rocket Template
A rocket template to use in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disaster Posters
Posters with pictures for eight different types of natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
How to Save Water Poster
A poster highlighting different ways to save water.
- Plus Plan
Formation of Earth - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
A reading comprehension activity that helps develop literacy skills and outlines the events and processes that led to the formation of our home planet.
- Plus Plan
Energy of the Sun Worksheet
An activity that explores how to record the amount of energy coming from the sun.
- Plus Plan
Water in the World - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
Seventy-four water in the world vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Let's Get Ready to Rock! – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for the information report from the Year 3 magazine (Issue 2).
- Plus Plan
Natural Disasters PowerPoint
A 45 slide editable PowerPoint template for teaching a unit on natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
Plate Tectonics Cloze Activity
A cloze activity to use when learning about the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics.
- Plus Plan
Solar System Mobile – Craft Activity
Use this printable solar system craft when learning about the planets and their position in relation to the Sun.
- Plus Plan
Individual Planet Posters
Use this set of posters with your space unit to teach about the individual planets.
- Plus Plan
The Solar System – Cut and Paste Activity
Use this cut-and-paste activity to make a mini solar system book.
- Free Plan
Space - Word Wall Vocabulary
Use these space vocabulary words and space terms to unlock the solar system for your primary students as they learn about space, the solar system, and the world far beyond your school.
- Plus Plan
Daily Weather Report – Interactive PowerPoint
This interactive weather activity will help you encourage pupils to become junior weather reporters!
- Plus Plan
The Seasons - Posters
A set of beautifully illustrated posters that depict the seasons and the differences between them.
- Plus Plan
Sun and Moon Effects - Your Shadow Activity
An activity to highlight the changing position of the sun.
- Plus Plan
The Tides Poster
A poster highlighting the tides on Earth and how they are effected by the Moon.
- Plus Plan
Day and Night Venn Diagram
A worksheet for students to brainstorm the similarities and differences between day and night.
- Plus Plan
Hemispheres Worksheet
A worksheet highlighting the hemisphere, equator and country locations.
- Plus Plan
How to Make a Sundial
A worksheet outlining how to make a sundial.
- Plus Plan
New Horizons Mission PowerPoint
A 10 slide PowerPoint about the New Horizons Mission to Pluto and beyond.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Astronaut Template
3D object nets to create an amazing astronaut!
- Plus Plan
Space Rocket Design Task
An engaging design task to encourage creative thinking and design engineering.
- Earth and Space Sciences Worksheets
- Earth and Space Sciences Posters
- Earth and Space Sciences Word Walls
- Earth and Space Sciences Teaching Presentations
- Earth and Space Sciences for Foundation Stage
- Earth and Space Sciences for Key Stage 1
- Earth and Space Sciences for Key Stage 2 - Lower
- Earth and Space Sciences for Key Stage 2 - Upper
- Earth and Space Sciences for Key Stage 3