English Teaching Resources
A variety of English primary teaching resources to theme your classroom and use when teaching literacy concepts. Available in this extensive collection are resources for the alphabet, grammar, phonics, reading, speaking and listening, spelling, vocabulary, writing and punctuation. These English teaching resources include lesson and unit plans, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, posters, games, comprehension texts, and interactive activities.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 2: I Saw You! – Resource Pack
A pack of the resources needed to complete Chapter 2 of the Missing Mona Lisa Adventure.
- Free Plan
Printable Adjectives List for Kids
Print your pupils a list of adjectives to keep at hand when writing to help them use descriptive language.
- Free Plan
Free Printable Wanted Poster Template Pack
Use a 'Wanted' poster template pack to encourage your students to research and write about historic figures and more!
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
18 Editing and Proofreading Worksheets – Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Use these editing and proofreading worksheets to add daily editing practice to your lesson plans.
- Plus Plan
Animal Alphabet Display
An A to Z of animals in 26 vibrant posters.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Dictionary Template - Black and White
A printable booklet with pictures for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Free Plan
Get to Know You T-Shirt Activity
Print a free all about me worksheet featuring a t-shirt that pupils design themselves!
- Free Plan
Kn, Ph & Wr Digraph Sound Cards
Use our Digraph Sound Cards to introduce your students to kn, ph and wr digraph words.
- Plus Plan
3 Billy Goats Gruff Sequencing Activity Cards
Use these activity cards to help your students understand sequencing.
- Plus Plan
Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies - Question Mats
A set of question mats to use when working with the Super Six reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Year 6 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 4
An 83-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Free Plan
Bookwork Expectations Posters
A checklist for students to refer to when displaying bookwork.
- Plus Plan
Emotive Language Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate students' understanding of emotive language.
- Plus Plan
Common Spelling Rules PowerPoint
A 60 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning spelling rules.
- Plus Plan
Writing A Narrative Poster
Display this poster in your room as a visual reminder of the structure of a narrative.
- Plus Plan
Applying Reading Comprehension Strategies Worksheets
A collection of worksheets to enable students to apply reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Verbs
A word wheel of synonyms and similar words that could be used instead of some commonly overused verbs.
- Plus Plan
Action, Saying, Thinking and Relating Verb Poster
A poster giving the definition and examples of action, saying, thinking and relating verbs.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Planning Template
A template for students to use when planning a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Structure Posters
Posters to help introduce the basic structure of persuasive writing.
- Free Plan
Pupil Reading Log
Track your students' home reading with this student reading log.
- Plus Plan
Onomatopoeia Word Wall
A set of 39 onomatopoeic vocabulary word cards.
- Plus Plan
English & Maths Toolkit Desk Mats – Upper Years
Use our printable English and Maths Toolkit Desk Mats to give your students easy access to key reading, writing, and maths concepts.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'C' is For Cat
Assist young pupild with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development with an adorable Letter C Cat Craft Template.
- Free Plan
'All About Me' Selfie – Writing Template
Learn to write a paragraph and get to know your pupils all at once with this fun all about me activity.
- Plus Plan
Add It In – Active Listening Activity
Practise following directions to colour and draw pictures with a printable listening activity worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Bump It Up Wall – Year 6
A visual display for your classroom to help students ‘bump up’ their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Personification Poster
A poster providing a definition and examples of personification.
- Plus Plan
Long and Short Vowel Sort
A sorting by long vowel, short vowel printable.
- Plus Plan
SATPIN Colour by Letter - Chicken
An engaging activity to consolidate your students’ understanding of the letters – s,a,t,p,i,n.
- Plus Plan
"Simon Says" Instruction Cards
A set of 24 instruction cards to use when playing "Simon Says".