Life Cycles Teaching Resources
Use this collection of life cycles teaching resources when studying plants and animals in your primary classroom. The collection includes several posters and worksheets which clearly explain the life cycles of a range of organisms. Also included are life cycle sorts which allow your students to physical move pieces around to represent the life cycles of plants and animals.
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Plant Life Cycle Poster
A poster showing the continuous life cycle of a plant.
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Life Cycle of a Frog
A poster showing the life cycle of a frog.
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Grasshopper Life Cycle - Blank Template
A blank grasshopper life cycle template to use in the classroom when learning about minibeasts.
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Life Cycle of a Numbat Poster
A poster showing the life cycle of a numbat.
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Fly Life Cycle Sort Activity
Help your students concrete their understanding of the fly life cycle with this interactive game.
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Life Cycle of a Fly Poster
A poster explaining the life cycle of a fly.
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My Life Stages 'Lift the Flap' Template
A template to use when learning about human life stages.
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Butterfly Life Cycle Poster
An educational poster displaying the stages of a butterfly's life cycle.
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Butterfly Life Cycle - Cut and Paste Worksheet
Identify the different phases of an insect’s life cycle through interactive slides or as a cut and paste butterfly life cycle worksheet.
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Life Cycle of a Chicken Poster
Teach your students about the life cycle of a chicken with this colourful classroom poster perfect for early years science lessons.
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Five Wonders Theme Park: Slither House Sketch – Project
An inquiry projects for students to research animals and their habitats for a reptile house in a theme park.
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Science Pattern Match Cards
A set of 89 task cards to help students learn about patterns in nature.
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Minibeast Life Cycle - Blank Templates
A set of blank life cycle templates to use in the classroom when learning about minibeasts.
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Minibeasts - Title Poster
A poster to use on your 'Minibeasts' display board.
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Numbat Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of the numbat life cycle with this interactive game.
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Bean Growth Experiment
An experiment for students to observe the growth and change of a plant.
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Plant Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of the plant life cycle with this interactive game.
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Frog Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of the frog life cycle with this interactive game.
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Life Cycle of a Butterfly Concertina Activity
A cute activity where students re-create the life cycle of a butterfly.
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Marine Primary Producers
Use this poster to demonstrate the role of primary producers in the marine ecosystem food chain.
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Comparing Life Stages Worksheet
An open-ended task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how animals grow and change.
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Human Growth and Change Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity to help students identify the behavioural and physical changes humans experience at different life stages.
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Sequencing Life Cycles Worksheet
An activity for students to use when learning about life cycles.
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Silkworm 'Lift the Flap' Life Stages Template
An activity for students to use when learning about life stages.
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Eggs-ellent Dominoes
A set of dominoes to use in the classroom when investigating animals which lay eggs.
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Silkworm Life Cycle Cut and Paste Worksheet
Identify the different phases of the silkworm life cycle through interactive slides or a cut and paste worksheet.
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Silkworm Life Cycle Poster
An educational poster displaying the life cycle stages of a silkworm.
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Growth and Change Teaching Resource Pack
An extensive collection of teaching resources to use when learning about growth and change.
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Minibeasts Teaching Resource Pack
This extensive collection of minibeasts resources includes educational posters, classroom decorations, word wall templates, page templates and worksheets for you to mix and match with your class.
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Growth and Change Unit Plan
This Biological Sciences unit explores how living things grow and change. Animal offspring (including humans) are compared with their parents and plants are grown from seed in order to observe change over a period of weeks.
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Big Changes!
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop their understanding of the concept of metamorphosis.
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Going Through Stages
A 60 minute lesson in which students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of simple life cycles.