Maths Games for Teachers
- Plus Plan
Bobby's Board Games – Maths Game Challenge
Challenge students to design and make a maths board game.
- Plus Plan
Sports Day Dilemma - Numeracy Whole Class Game
A whole class game that consolidates your students’ knowledge of measurement and graphing concepts – in a fun way!
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Board Game
A hands-on Board Game to practise comparing numbers less than ten.
- Plus Plan
5-Digit Place Value Card Game - Flip It!
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of place value to the tens of thousands.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Game
A fun and challenging game to use when learning how to use the jump strategy to solve addition problems.
- Plus Plan
Addition Bingo - Numbers 0-50
32 different bingo cards using addition and numbers from 0-50.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Bingo - Numbers 0-60
32 different bingo cards using subtraction and numbers from 0-60.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Bingo - 0-12 Times Tables
32 different bingo cards using multiplication from 0-12.
- Plus Plan
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Bingo
32 different bingo cards using fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
Which Is More? Card Game
A set of cards for students to practise comparing and ordering collections to 20.
- Plus Plan
Treasure Map Coding Robot Mat
A coding robot mat focusing on directions, location and coordinates.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division - Bingo Game - V2
32 different bingo cards using multiplication and division.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division - Bingo Game - V1
32 different bingo cards using multiplication and division.
- Plus Plan
Loose Change Board Game - British Coins
Students collect and count money amounts involving coins while playing this engaging board game.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value Card Game - Race to 10 000
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of place value to thousands.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Place Value Card Game - Flip It!
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of place value to thousands.
- Plus Plan
Value Your Place Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Musical Equations Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo - Mixed Times
Thirty-two different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
The Mathematical Easter Egg Hunt – Whole Class Game
A differentiated whole class Easter egg hunt.
- Plus Plan
Memory Matcher PowerPoint – 2D Shapes
An interactive memory match-up game where students recall the names of shapes.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Leap Frog Game
A fun game for students to play during numeracy rotations when learning to subitise numbers from 1 to 6.
- Plus Plan
Subitising 1 to 12 - Domino Cards
A set of dominoes to use in the classroom when learning to subitise numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Fraction and Decimal Dominoes - Tenths and Hundredths
30 dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of converting fractions to decimals.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Place Value Card Game - Flip It!
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of place value to hundreds.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Bingo Game - Numbers 0–1 000 000
32 different bingo cards using place value to hundred thousands.
- Plus Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (5-Digit Numbers)
A set of dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (4-Digit Numbers)
A set of dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (3-Digit Numbers)
A set of dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Expanded Notation Dominoes (2-Digit Numbers)
A set of dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Alien Eyes - Number Game
A fun alien themed number game to help students identify the number from 1 to 12 and count small collections.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalence
A whole-class game to consolidate students' understanding of fraction, decimal and percentage equivalence.