Maths Teaching Resources
A variety of Maths teaching resources to use when teaching numeracy concepts. Available in this extensive collection are resources to use when working on patterns and algebra, fractions, decimals and percentages, angles, units of measurement, money and financial mathematics, counting, place value, operations, location and transformation, problem-solving, chance, shape, graphs and data, mathematics investigations and numbers. These Numeracy teaching resources include lesson and unit plans, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, posters, games, maths investigations and interactive activities.
- Plus Plan
Addition Counting Strategies Posters
A set of four posters with clear examples of counting strategies.
- Free Plan
Representations of Unit Fractions Poster
Display this free poster in your classroom showing representations of common unit fractions.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy: Subtraction – Worksheet
A subtraction worksheet that focuses on the jump strategy.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheets - Addition and Subtraction - Year 2
8 addition and subtraction worksheets linked to the National Curriculum in England.
- Plus Plan
Roll, Add and Colour - Easter Basket
A fun roll, add and colour sheet featuring an Easter basket.
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 6
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint Template for problem solving in mathematics.
- Free Plan
Santa's Mix-Up - Place Value & Expanded Form Maths Worksheets
Add some Christmas spirit to your place value lesson plans with printable Christmas place value worksheets for Year 2..
- Plus Plan
Year 6 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 4
An 83-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters with Labels
6 posters showing the features and examples of picture graphs, pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, column graphs and histograms.
- Free Plan
Bookwork Expectations Posters
A checklist for students to refer to when displaying bookwork.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition Riddle Worksheet
Download this simple addition worksheet to provide your students with practice adding one- and two-digit numbers.
- Free Plan
Making Monsters Subtraction - Worksheet
Have some spooky subtraction fun with three differentiated Halloween subtraction worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Worksheet
An addition worksheet that focuses on the jump strategy.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Basic and Complex Shapes)
A detailed set of colour by shape activities.
- Plus Plan
Blank Graph Template
A blank template for constructing graphs.
- Plus Plan
Drawing Angles Using a 180 Degree Protractor - Worksheet
3 worksheet to use when learning about how to use a 180 degree protractor correctly.
- Plus Plan
What's My Card? Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Board Game
A set of cards to be used in a Guess Who? Board Game for students to consolidate their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
English & Maths Toolkit Desk Mats – Upper Years
Use our printable English and Maths Toolkit Desk Mats to give your students easy access to key reading, writing, and maths concepts.
- Free Plan
Days of the Week Poster
Display the days of the week with a bright and cheery Days of the Week Poster.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Multiplication Strategies Teaching Slides
Introduce your pupils to different multiplication strategies such as arrays, equal groups, repeated addition and skip counting with this 34-page slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
6 posters showing the features and examples of picture graphs, pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, column graphs and histograms.
- Plus Plan
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Bingo
32 different bingo cards using fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Plus Plan
Odd and Even Numbers Poster
Help students memorize the rules for identifying odd and even numbers.
- Plus Plan
Pyramid and Prism Poster
A poster showing the attributes of pyramids and prisms.
- Plus Plan
Angles Bingo
30 different bingo cards using angle pictures, degrees and names.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Angles Using a 180 Degree Protractor - Worksheet
3 worksheet to use when learning about how to use a 180 degree protractor correctly.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time 'To' and 'Past' Poster
A poster to help students understand telling the time ‘to’ and ‘past’ the hour.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Four Times Tables
A 30 slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions Poster
A poster outlining the properties of Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions.
- Plus Plan
Subitising Dice - Numbers 1 to 9
Subitising is the process of immediately recognising how many items are in a small group.
- Plus Plan
Pocket Money Board Game
Use this pocket money board game to introduce your students to the concept of money management.
- Plus Plan
Identify and Colour 2D Shapes Worksheet
Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.