Shapes Teaching Resources
This comprehensive collection contains a variety of 2D and 3D shapes teaching resources. Use the educational posters as a visual stimulus in your primary classroom. Also provided are hands-on learning activities, games, vocabulary word wall cards, nets of shapes and more. Use the pre and post-tests to ascertain each student's prior knowledge before starting a shapes unit of work.
- Plus Plan
Identify and Colour 2D Shapes Worksheet
Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Easter Bunny Templates
A set of ten Easter Bunny 3D object nets.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Basic and Complex Shapes)
A detailed set of colour by shape activities.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
24 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
We're Going On a Shape Hunt! Graphing Game
A fun board game to aid students' recognition of 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm-Ups Interactive PowerPoint – Year 3
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 3 students across the Mathematics curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Easter Egg)
An Easter-themed colour by 2D shape activity.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes and 3D Objects Crossword with Solution
A crossword with clues for both 2D shapes and 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
2D Shape Puzzles
Use these 2D shape puzzles to help familiarise your students with the most common two-dimensional shapes.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes and 3D Objects – Worksheets
A set of differentiated worksheets that focus on drawing 2D shapes and describing 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
Geometry Worksheets - Properties of Shapes - Year 2
10 properties of shapes worksheets linked to the National Curriculum in England.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes with Information - Poster
A 2D shapes poster with 16 common shapes, as well as information characterising each shape.
- Plus Plan
Nets of 3-D Objects
Printable nets of 3-D objects.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects Poster
This poster includes 3D objects for a cube, sphere, triangular based pyramid, triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder, cone and square based pyramid.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects Individual Posters
This resource pack includes 3D object posters for a cube, sphere triangular based pyramid, triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder, cone and square based pyramid.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Basic Shapes)
A set of five colour by shape worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Block Beasties - Task Cards
A set of 36 low colour block figure task cards separated into three levels.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects Worksheet
Use this 3D Objects Worksheet to assist your students when learning about the properties of 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
Individual 2D Shapes Posters - BW
2D Shapes and their names, diagrams and properties on individual posters.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes Flashcards
Use these 2D shapes flashcards to help familiarise your students with the most common two-dimensional shapes.
- Plus Plan
Colour By Shape Christmas Worksheets
Use knowledge of 2D shapes to colour in these Christmas-themed colour by shape worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Symmetry Art Worksheets
Explore symmetry with these Christmas symmetry worksheets.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Christmas Ornament Templates
Turn 3-D nets into paper Christmas ornaments with a fun set of printable ornament templates.
- Plus Plan
Batty for 2D Shapes - Halloween Shapes Worksheet for Key Stage 1
Go batty and identify the 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Shapes - Colour By 2D Shapes Worksheet for Key Stage 1
Don’t get too spooked while trying to identify 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes Colour by Code worksheet!
- Plus Plan
All About Octagons Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about octagons.
- Plus Plan
Shape Seekers PowerPoint
An interactive 162-slide PowerPoint that follows the story of a professor and their new invention that turns 2D shapes into 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
Find and Colour – Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt where students search for 2D shapes in their surrounding environment.
- Plus Plan
All About Semicircles Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about semicircles.
- Plus Plan
All About Hexagons Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about hexagons.
- Plus Plan
2D Shape Profiles – Template
A template that students use to demonstrate their ability to describe the features of 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Profiles – Template
A template that students use to demonstrate their ability to describe the features of 3D objects.