Special Educational Needs Teaching Resources
An extensive collection of educational resources relating to special educational needs. Use the comprehensive collection of social stories to assist students in processing and preparing for any upcoming changes or social behaviours including making a good choice, playground rules, saying sorry, getting ready for school and a change in my day. Also available is a collection of social story templates and pictures for you to customise particular social stories that are relevant to each student's needs. Also provided are visual daily timetables to assist in providing a daily schedule that is available on each student's desk and some posters and worksheets about Autism and what it is to be a good friend. Use the picture exchange communication cards to assist in communicating with non-verbal students.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Dictionary Template - Black and White
A printable booklet with pictures for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Visual Daily Timetable and Equipment List for Students
Provide a visual schedule for specific students with this desk template.
- Plus Plan
Printable Personal Dictionary - 1 Letter Per Page
A printable booklet with pictures and sight words for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Behaviour Stamp Card – Eye on the Prize!
Upgrade your behaviour management and motivate your students to keep their eye on the prize with this stamp card template.
- Plus Plan
Emotion Strategies Wheel
A wheel of strategies that students can use for the various emotions they may experience.
- Plus Plan
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise – Worksheet
A worksheet for students to complete when trying to de-escalate a situation.
- Plus Plan
Daily Review Template
A template for students to use to reflect upon their day.
- Plus Plan
Picture Exchange Communication Cards
A set of basic Picture Exchange Communication (PEC) cards for children with autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disabilities.
- Plus Plan
Social-Emotional Learning Chatterbox
A chatterbox template for students to use during social-emotional learning.
- Plus Plan
Classroom Catastrophe Scale – Display
A wall display to help students gauge the severity of everyday challenges.
- Plus Plan
The Science of Independent Learning - Individual Posters
Individual posters with sequential stages to help students learn independently.
- Plus Plan
The Magic of Independent Learning - Individual Posters
Individual posters with sequential stages to help students learn independently.
- Plus Plan
The Science of Independent Learning - Poster
Poster to help students learn independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
The Magic of Independent Learning - Full Poster
Poster to help students learn independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Remember to Put On Your Hearing Aid
Remind any student who needs to wear a hearing aid with this desk prompt.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories – Preventing the Spread of Germs
A social story to assist students in preventing the spread of germs.
- Plus Plan
Printable Personal Dictionary - BW Version - 1 Letter Per Page
A printable booklet with pictures and sight words for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Waiting for My Turn To Talk
A social story to develop strategies when waiting for the appropriate time to talk.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Using My Quiet Voice at School
A social story to remind students to use their quiet voice when they are inside.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Sharing with My Friends
A social story to develop skills and strategies for sharing with others.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Saying Sorry
A social story to develop strategies and skills for saying sorry to others.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Rules for School
A social story to remind students of the rules for school.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Play Time
A social story to remind students when they can play.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Playground Rules
A social story to remind students of the rules for the playground.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Personal Space
A social story to remind students to leave personal space when interacting with others.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Morning Classroom Routine
A social story to use as a checklist and to develop a morning routine in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Making a Good Choice
A social story to develop strategies for making good choices.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Lining Up
A social story to remind students of the expectations for lining up.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Letting My Friends Know I Don't Like It
A social story to develop strategies for students to communicate if they don't like something.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - Keeping My Hands and Feet to Myself
A social story to remind students to keep their hands and feet to themselves.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - I Can't Always Win
A social story to develop coping skills for when students don't always win.
- Plus Plan
Social Stories - I Am Not Always Right
A social story to develop coping skills for when students are not always right.
- Special Educational Needs Posters
- Special Educational Needs Templates
- Special Educational Needs for Foundation Stage
- Special Educational Needs for Key Stage 1
- Special Educational Needs for Key Stage 2 - Lower
- Special Educational Needs for Key Stage 2 - Upper
- Special Educational Needs for Key Stage 3