Synonyms Teaching Resources for Key Stage 1
- Plus Plan
Feelings Synonym Flashcards
A set of 15 flashcards showing a number of synonyms for different feelings.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Emotional States Vocabulary
A word wheel of synonyms and similar words used to describe emotional states.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Poster
A poster showing the definition and examples of synonyms.
- Plus Plan
Show, Don’t Tell – Feelings Synonyms Poster Activity Pack
A set of 16 posters ready for your students to add synonyms to.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Flashcards
A set of 11 synonym flashcards showing a number of synonyms for common words.
- Plus Plan
Nice Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word nice.
- Plus Plan
Good Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word good.
- Plus Plan
Bad Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word bad.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms Puzzle Activity
22 sets of synonym puzzle pieces to match up.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - All Posters
A series of posters that display different words that can be used for different emotions.
- Plus Plan
Went Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word went.
- Plus Plan
Then Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word then.
- Plus Plan
Small Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word small.
- Plus Plan
See Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word see.
- Plus Plan
Said Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word said.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word healthy.
- Plus Plan
Get Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word get.
- Plus Plan
Big Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word big.
- Plus Plan
Big and Small Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the words big and small.
- Plus Plan
Vibrant 'Very' Varieties – States of Mind
A word wheel of synonyms and similar words used instead of 'very' words to describe states of mind.
- Plus Plan
Ancient to Current - Orders of Comparison Poster
A poster displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives ancient to current.
- Plus Plan
Big to Colossal - Orders of Comparison Poster
A poster displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives big to colossal.
- Plus Plan
Sad to Distraught - Orders of Comparison Poster
A poster displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives sad to distraught.
- Plus Plan
Not Any to All - Orders of Comparison Poster
A poster displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives not any to all.
- Plus Plan
Good to Ecstatic - Orders of Comparison Poster
A poster displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives good to ecstatic.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms Posters Teaching Resource Pack
A poster pack displaying synonyms for the different words and feelings.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Resource Pack
Twenty-two whole class or small group active games that encourage learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives Order of Comparison Resource Pack
A resource pack of posters displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives.