Visual Arts Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Art Elements Poster
A poster that visually explains the different art elements.
- Plus Plan
Artistic Movements PowerPoint – The Renaissance
A 48-slide editable PowerPoint template exploring the famous artists and signature artistic techniques of the Renaissance.
- Plus Plan
Texture Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'texture' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Line Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'line' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
My Garden Grows Activity
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Form Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'form' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Shape Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'shape' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Value Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'value' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Colour Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'colour' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements Poster Pack
A set of eight posters explaining the different visual art elements.
- Plus Plan
Organically Abstract Mobile Activity
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Patterning Guide Template - Year 3 and Year 4
A template to use when learning about line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements PowerPoint Presentation
A PowerPoint including eight slides explaining the different visual art elements.
- Plus Plan
Drawing on Demand - It's a Piece of Cake
An art activity that incorporates both drawing and listening skills.
- Plus Plan
Drawing on Demand - Corn on the Cob
An art activity that incorporates both drawing and listening skills.
- Plus Plan
Drawing on Demand - Kooky Clown
An art activity that incorporates both drawing and listening skills.
- Plus Plan
Famous Artists Card Game
A set of 54 famous artist cards to be used for a variety of card games.
- Plus Plan
Visual Art Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Dance' display board.
- Plus Plan
Masked in Mystery Activity
A fun art activity to explore shape through the creation of a mask.
- Plus Plan
Plumping It Up Activity
A fun art activity to explore form in a two-dimensional work.
- Plus Plan
30 Mindful Drawing Tasks
30 drawing tasks to promote mindfulness in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Organic Shape Puzzle
A puzzle focusing on the identification of organic shapes.
- Plus Plan
Easter Basket Craft Activity
A fun and creative Easter basket craft activity.
- Plus Plan
Easter Hat Craft Activity
A creative Easter hat craft activity using paper plates and bowls.
- Plus Plan
Easter Bunny Craft Activity
A cute and creative Easter bunny craft activity using foam cups.
- Plus Plan
Line and Feeling Sorting Activity - F to Year 2
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Cubism Guitar – Template
A paper craft template of a Cubism style guitar.
- Plus Plan
12 Part Colour Wheel and Colour Theory
A warm/cool colour wheel featuring the 12 primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
- Plus Plan
12-Part Colour Wheel and Colour Theory worksheets
A set of warm/cool colour wheel worksheets featuring the 12 primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
- Plus Plan
Organic Shape Search Worksheet
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game Board Template
Create a fun activity for any subject area with this black-and-white board game template.
- Plus Plan
Self Portrait Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.