Vocabulary Teaching Resources for Year 5
- Plus Plan
Paragraph Study Grammar Interactive PowerPoint
Interactive PowerPoint presentation allowing teachers and students to learn and revise grammar by highlighting paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Disappearing Ice Cream Sundae (Hangman Alternative)
An interactive kid-friendly alternative to hangman.
- Plus Plan
Splat! Active Game
An active game that allows students to test and build their vocabulary knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Disappearing Snowman (Hangman Alternative)
An interactive word guessing game.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week Flip Book - Year 5
A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to year 5 students.
- Plus Plan
Seize the Synonym Active Game
An active game that allows students to test and build their knowledge of words and synonyms.
- Plus Plan
Last One Standing Active Game
An active game that allows students to build their vocabulary knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Hopping Through Hoops Active Game
An active game that allows students to review vocabulary words for any content area.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Toss Active Game
An active game that allows students to test and build their knowledge of words and parts of speech.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week PowerPoint - Year 5
A 40 slide PowerPoint Template for introducing new vocabulary to year 5 students.
- Plus Plan
International Holiday at Five Wonders Theme Park – Inquiry Project
A inquiry project where students study the Five Wonders Theme Park stimulus poster while inquiring about an international city.
- Plus Plan
Antonym Poster
A poster showing the definition and examples of antonyms.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Poster
A poster showing the definition and examples of synonyms.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet – Word Wall
A classroom word wall which helps students focus on positive vocabulary to channel proactive learning habits.
- Plus Plan
Show, Don’t Tell – Feelings Synonyms Poster Activity Pack
A set of 16 posters ready for your students to add synonyms to.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Grab Worksheet
Sort each grammar concept using the definitions and examples.
- Plus Plan
Feelings Synonym Flashcards
A set of 15 flashcards showing a number of synonyms for different feelings.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Flashcards
A set of 11 synonym flashcards showing a number of synonyms for common words.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - All Posters
A series of posters that display different words that can be used for different emotions.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Lonely Turtle
A turtle all alone displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Love Bunny
A loved up bunny displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Interested Meerkat
An interested meerket displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Confident Fox
A confident fox displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Scared Cat
A scared cat displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Shy Mouse
A shy mouse displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Sorry Panda
A sorry panda displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Angry Bull
An angry bull displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Using Context Clues – Worksheet
A worksheet to practise using context clues when reading.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Sad Donkey
A sad donkey displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Vocabulary - Happy Dog
A happy dog displaying different words that can be used for that emotion.
- Plus Plan
10 Fascinating Facts About Mauna Kea – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for an article about ten facts about Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
- Plus Plan
Worried Synonyms Poster
A poster displaying synonyms for the word worried.