Early Years Foundation Stage
- Free Plan
Kn, Ph & Wr Digraph Sound Cards
Use our Digraph Sound Cards to introduce your students to kn, ph and wr digraph words.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Dictionary Template - Black and White
A printable booklet with pictures for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'A' is For Ant
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
SATPIN Colour by Letter - Chicken
An engaging activity to consolidate your students’ understanding of the letters – s,a,t,p,i,n.
- Plus Plan
Add It In – Active Listening Activity
Practise following directions to colour and draw pictures with a printable listening activity worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives Flashcards
A set of 60 flashcards covering nouns, verbs and adjectives as well as 3 colourful sorting pockets to create a colourful display.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'I' is For Insect (Version 1)
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo - Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
"Simon Says" Instruction Cards
A set of 24 instruction cards to use when playing "Simon Says".
- Plus Plan
Subitising Dice - Numbers 1 to 9
Subitising is the process of immediately recognising how many items are in a small group.
- Plus Plan
The Easter Bunny – Easter Poem Poster
Use this Easter Bunny poem for kids as a basis for some Easter fun in your classroom!
- Plus Plan
Identify and Colour 2D Shapes Worksheet
Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'C' is For Cat
Assist young pupild with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development with an adorable Letter C Cat Craft Template.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Calendar Maths Classroom Display
Help students learn the days of the week with a daily calendar maths display.
- Plus Plan
Is It True? Listening Activity
Practise your students' listening skills with this listening activity.
- Plus Plan
We're Going On a Shape Hunt! Graphing Game
A fun board game to aid students' recognition of 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'H' is For Hen
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Speaking and Listening Activities Task Cards
A set of 13 cards with instructions for speaking and listening activities.
- Plus Plan
Secret Threading Task Cards
A set of 24 threading activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Worksheets - BW
Ten telling the time worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Complete the Sentences – Worksheets for Beginning Writers
A set of 10 worksheets for students to practise completing simple sentences.
- Plus Plan
Animal Alphabet Display
An A to Z of animals in 26 vibrant posters.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Basic Shapes)
A set of five colour by shape worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Colour by 2D Shape (Easter Egg)
An Easter-themed colour by 2D shape activity.
- Plus Plan
When I Grow Up...
Explore your students future ambitions with this When I Grow Up worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Decodable Text Worksheets - Single Graphemes (Set 1)
A set of 10 decodable text worksheets for early readers.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Activity Worksheets
Help your students practise their sight words at home with this set of two sight word activity grids.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Splash Game
Use this collaborative partner game to allow your students to practise reading and writing some of the most common high-frequency words.
- Plus Plan
2D Shape Puzzles
Use these 2D shape puzzles to help familiarise your students with the most common two-dimensional shapes.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Worksheets - Counting by Ones
Use this set of 3 dot-to-dot worksheets to get your youngest students practising how to count by ones.
- Free Plan
Place Value Charts — Printable Maths Mats
Practise place value concepts, addition and subtraction with a printable set of free place value charts.
- Plus Plan
Base-10 Blocks - Pictorial Model Cards
A set of base-10 block cards to compose and decompose numbers including decimals.