Teaching may be of any modern or ancient foreign language and should focus on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in one language. The teaching should provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and should lay the foundations for further foreign language teaching at key stage 3. It should enable pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Mandarin LOTE Posters
A set of 3 Mandarin language posters for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Hello Around The World Bunting
Decorate your classroom with this set of bunting that displays different ways to say hello around the world.
- Plus Plan
French Language Flashcards
100 flashcards of French words.
- Plus Plan
House - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching house related vocabulary in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Kitchen - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching kitchen related vocabulary in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Greetings - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching greetings in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Emergencies - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching emergency language in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Number in Spanish Poster
A poster showing numbers in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Seasons Poster in Spanish
A poster showing the seasons in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Day and Week Phrases in Spanish
A poster highlighting some common phrases regarding days and weeks in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Japanese Festivals and Events Poster Pack
A set of 12 posters highlighting Japanese celebrations and festivals throughout the year.
- Plus Plan
Family - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching about family in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Español - Title Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Fruit - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching fruit in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Directions - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching directional language in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
LOTE Word Wall Poster
Use this Word Wall Poster to identify LOTE vocabulary in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Parts of the Body - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching parts of the body in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Numbers - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching numbers in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Japanese Places of Worship Posters
2 educational posters featuring Japanese Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.
- Plus Plan
Colours - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching the names for popular colours.
- Plus Plan
Japan Profile Poster Pack
A pack of 5 posters about Japan – suitable for your Geography or LOTE classroom.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching the Spanish names for the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
France Country Profile Poster
A poster about France – suitable for your Geography or LOTE classroom.
- Plus Plan
Indonesia Profile Poster Pack
A pack of 10 posters about Indonesia – suitable for your Geography or LOTE classroom.
- Plus Plan
French Numbers 0-20 – LOTE Posters
A set of 2 educational posters featuring French spelling and pronunciation for numbers 0 -20.
- Plus Plan
French Time Words – LOTE Posters
An educational poster featuring French time-based words.
- Plus Plan
Kanji Numbers Poster
A poster highlighting numbers in Japanese Kanji with English translations.
- Plus Plan
Kanji Months and Seasons of the Year Poster
A poster highlighting the months and seasons of the year in Japanese Kanji with English translations.
- Plus Plan
Kanji Days of the Week Poster
A poster highlighting days of the week in Japanese Kanji with English translations.
- Plus Plan
Hiragana Types of Vegetables Poster
A poster highlighting types of vegetables in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
- Plus Plan
Hiragana Transport Poster
A poster highlighting transport Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
- Plus Plan
Hiragana In the City Poster
A poster highlighting city vocabulary in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.