Board Games for Teachers
This collection of board games resources includes a variety of fun and engaging board games for students to play in the classroom. These educational board games cover a range of Literacy, Numeracy and History topics and are ideal to use as a group activity at the end of a unit of work to help consolidate student learning.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph Roll Game (Green)
A phonics game played in pairs and focusing on the following digraphs: ge, ck, kn, ng, wr and wh.
- Plus Plan
Bump! Blending at the End of a Word - Board Game
A board game to practise decoding words with a final consonant blend.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of making 10.
- Plus Plan
The Addition Labyrinth Board Game
A dynamic addition board game for the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Resilience Board Game
A fun board game for students to play when encouraging the use of resilience strategies.
- Plus Plan
Know Your Measurements Board Game
A fun measurement game for students to play when applying their knowledge of length, mass, capacity and time.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Splash Game
Use this collaborative partner game to allow your students to practise reading and writing some of the most common high-frequency words.
- Plus Plan
Pocket Money Board Game
Use this pocket money board game to introduce your students to the concept of money management.
- Plus Plan
Four in a Row Game
Use this four-in-a-row game to enhance your students’ logical thinking skills in a fun and collaborative way,
- Plus Plan
Rolling to 100 Board Game
Practise counting to 100 by 1's with this interactive hundreds board game for multiple players.
- Plus Plan
SMASH IT! Vowels Game
Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds with this set of 5 game boards and vowel letter cards.
- Plus Plan
Syllable Count Board Game
Segment and count up to 4 syllables with this game board and set of 33 picture cards.
- Plus Plan
Picture Graph Playoff – Maths Game
A fun picture graph game for students to consolidate gathering and representing data.
- Plus Plan
What Does That Mean? Game
A board game where students identify the correct definition of multiple-meaning words.
- Plus Plan
Bump! – Subtraction to 10 Game
A board game to practise subtraction facts to 10.
- Plus Plan
Bump! – Addition to 10 Game
An addition board game to help consolidate facts to ten.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives Board Game
Reinforce your parts of speech lesson with our grammar game for up to 4 players.
- Plus Plan
Trade It Board Game
A fun, hands-on board game to play in groups when learning to solve subtraction equations that require trading.
- Plus Plan
What's My Card? Double-Digit Board Game
Guess the mystery 2 digit numbers by asking your opponent a series of elimination questions.
- Plus Plan
Counting On 2 and 3 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of counting on by 2 and 3.
- Plus Plan
Counting On 1 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of counting on by 1.
- Plus Plan
Counting Back 2 and 3 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of counting back by 2 and 3.
- Plus Plan
Counting Back 1 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of counting back by 1 number facts.
- Plus Plan
Subtracting From 10 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of subtracting from 10.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Subtraction - Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Near Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of near doubles.
- Plus Plan
Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
A fun hands-on game students can play to consolidate their knowledge of doubles.
- Plus Plan
Roll Me a Discount! Board Game
An interactive game to play in pairs to consolidate understanding of discounts and sale price.
- Plus Plan
What's Remaining? Division Board Game
A fun board game to play to when learning to solve division problems involving remainders.
- Plus Plan
We're Going On a Shape Hunt! Graphing Game
A fun board game to aid students' recognition of 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Roll It Operations Game
Use this fun game to consolidate your students' knowledge of operations.
- Plus Plan
Vowel and Consonant Digraph Spin Games
A fun phonics game for students to consolidate their knowledge of some vowel and consonant digraphs.