Teaching ideas & inspiration
Uncategorized Teaching Resources
Vintage Roses - Your Most Elegant Teacher Planner Yet!
Our elegant teacher planner, Vintage Roses, is made of whimsy and delight. Add some pretty to your desk and your day with this lovely new design!
Pineapple Classroom Theme Resources and Ideas
Check out our fun and vibrant classroom theme pack featuring the ever sweet, pineapple!
English Planning in the Classroom | Tips by an Experienced Teacher
Are you struggling to work out the planning of English in your classroom? Read this easy to follow planning strategy for some fantastic tips.
Two Simple Words That Will Change Your Teaching Forever: You Matter!
When everything's a priority, how do you not only get yourself on the list, but bump yourself up to the top? You remember that you matter.
Reading Engagement in the Classroom | How to Foster a Love of Reading
As you begin thinking about your new teaching year and how you can improve the learning in your classroom, why not implement a specific plan to improve reading engagement?
The Heat is On! A Comprehensive Unit On Heat Energy
Engage your students in Science with our comprehensive unit on Heat Energy - lessons and ideas to teach this fascinating physical science.
Top 10 Teach Starter Blogs of 2018
Before you clock off for Christmas, check out the amazing ideas in our Top 10 Teach Starter Blogs for 2018!
Positive New Year's Resolutions for Teachers
New Year is fast approaching, and you may be taking the opportunity to reflect and refresh. Read over our New Year's Resolutions for teachers to see how you can level up in 2019!
8 Christmas Food Ideas for the School Holidays
A blog packed full of fun and easy Christmas food ideas to share with your family during the school holidays.
The Best Instagram Photos of 2018 | Teaching Inspiration
The teaching Instagram community continually amazes us here at Teach Starter. Here's some amazing teacher inspiration with our top 35 Instagram photos from 2018!
Teaching 101: The Dos and Don'ts of Changing Schools
Are you changing schools in the new year? Read our dos and don'ts for some helpful hints and tips on settling in to your new school.
Teachers | 20 Reasons Why You Are Incredible
A timely reminder that teachers are incredible.
The Freshest Downloadable Teacher Planners!
Our downloadable teacher planners; they're crisp and clean, and open to all the amazing possibilities of the year ahead. Download, print, bind, teach!
International Human Rights Day in the Classroom | Activity Ideas
This blog highlights a series of activities designed to educate, inform, enlighten and embolden your students with knowledge about human rights.
End of Year Activity Ideas | Christmas Puzzle Fun
Looking for a fun Christmas activity to keep your students engaged as we approach the end of the school year?
Classroom Practices to Promote a Green Future with Teach Starter
Some helpful tips for promoting a green future in your classroom with Teach Starter.
Real World Mathematics | Exploring Maths with an End of Term Party
Planning an end of term party for your class? It's the perfect occasion to explore mathematics in a real world context!
Thinking of Becoming a Relief Teacher? Read This!
Thinking of becoming a relief teacher? Take a look at why casual teaching could be a great career step for you (written by a relief teacher).
10 Teacher Memes to Get You to the End of Term
It's nearly that time...end of term time! Let us help you get there with these 10 hilarious and inspirational teacher memes!
The Must-Have Christmas Resource | Christmas Activities
The must-have Christmas activity download to use in your classroom!
The Student Portfolio | Hints and Tips for Teacher Handover
A guide to collating the student portfolio packed with helpful ideas and teaching resources.
10 Activities for Developing the Skills of Speaking and Listening
Try these 10 activities to improve your students' speaking and listening - essential skills for the development of communication, speech and language.
Meaningful Milestones | Celebrating Primary School Graduation
Primary school graduation is a meaningful event and deserves to be celebrated! Recognise this milestone with our tips to celebrate your graduating students.
World Hello Day | 11 Activities to Promote Positive Communication
November 21st is World Hello Day! Choose from one of these enriching activities to promote communication in the classroom and help resolve global conflict.
Developing Number Sense | Counting Beyond 100
An insight into the importance of number sense and counting beyond 100, plus brilliant teaching ideas and resources to make it happen.
21 Light Box Inserts to Brighten Up Your Classroom!
We've added 21 downloadable light box insert designs to our collection of teaching resources. You'll find them all in our Light Box Insert Resource Pack!
Gifts for Teachers - Hints and Ideas!
Teachers are kind of a big deal. Choosing gifts for teachers can be tough. Read our top suggestions and ideas from real teachers (you may be surprised!)
Developing Inferential Comprehension Using Visuals
Are your students struggling with inferring during reading? Why not teach the skill of inferring using only visuals? Check out our resources and ideas featured in this blog.
Learning Through Play | Active Learning Games
Learning through play has been proven to improve student cognitive functioning. Read about our Active Learning resources to enhance your students' learning!
10 Cheap and Cheerful Ways to Makeover the School Staffroom
Create a staffroom that teachers and staff want to go to with our 10 cheap and cheerful ways to update the school staffroom.
Student Engagement | End of Term Tips and Ideas
Brilliant tips, ideas and teaching resources to increase student engagement at the end of the school term.
Effective Lesson Creation | Using a Lesson Plan Template
The days of scrambling for lesson cohesion are behind you. Use our Editable Lesson Plan template to make planning for your class a breeze!