Bloom's Taxonomy Teaching Resources
Bloom's Taxonomy provides a framework that describes six levels of cognitive learning. The updated levels include remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating. Use this collection of Bloom's Taxonomy related resources when working within the Bloom's framework. Resources provided include display posters, question/sentence starter cards and fast finisher task cards.
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Bloom's Taxonomy Question/Sentence Starter Cards
A set of reading question and sentence starter cards aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy.
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HOT (Higher Order Thinking) Questions Wall
Higher Order Thinking signage material and page borders to use in conjunction with Bloom's Taxonomy.
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Bloom's Taxonomy Fast Finisher Task Cards - Lower Years
32 Bloom's Taxonomy fast finisher activity cards.
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Bloom's Taxonomy Fast Finisher Task Cards - Middle Years
44 Bloom's Taxonomy fast finisher activity cards.
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Bloom's Taxonomy Fast Finisher Task Cards - Upper Years
44 Bloom's Taxonomy fast finisher activity cards.
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Bloom's Taxonomy Sentence Starters and Activities Posters
A set of six posters examining Bloom's Taxonomy.