Heat Energy Teaching Resources
Use this collection of teaching resources when studying the concept of heat energy with your students. The collection includes word wall vocabulary, educational posters, hands-on activities, science experiments and worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Heat Sources Worksheet
A worksheet to help students identify various sources of heat.
- Plus Plan
The Heat is On Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate your students' understanding of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
Heat Transference Worksheet
A worksheet to help students identify examples of heat transference.
- Plus Plan
Heat Sources Poster
An informative poster about heat sources to display in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Conductors and Insulators Poster
A poster highlighting conductors and insulators of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Blank Posters
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Poster with Images
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
What is Hot? Poster (with Images and Text)
A poster to use when exploring the concept of heat.
- Plus Plan
When Winter Comes - Keeping Warm Worksheet
A poem to activate students' prior knowledge about keeping warm.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Keeping Out the Heat
A science experiment which investigates which material is the best insulator of heat.
- Plus Plan
What is Heat? Worksheet
A worksheet to help students understand heat energy.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Feel the Heat
A science experiment which investigates which material is the best conductor of heat.
- Plus Plan
Moving Heat Worksheet
A worksheet to help students understand how heat moves.
- Plus Plan
Heat Sources Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students identify various sources of heat.
- Plus Plan
Heat Energy Word Wall Vocabulary
Twenty-seven heat energy vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Heat Energy Teaching Resource Pack
A comprehensive set of posters, activities and worksheets related to the concept of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
The Heat is On Unit Plan
This Physical Sciences unit addresses the concept of heat energy, including heat sources, heat transfer, thermal conductors and thermal insulators.
- Plus Plan
Sources of Heat
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify kinetic, electrical and chemical sources of heat energy.
- Plus Plan
The Heat is On
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of heat energy and how it moves.
- Plus Plan
Thermal Insulators - Keeping Out the Heat
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate which materials are the best thermal insulators.
- Plus Plan
Thermal Conductors - Feel the Heat
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate which materials are the best thermal conductors.
- Plus Plan
Moving Heat
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the concept of heat transference.
- Plus Plan
What is Heat?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the concept of heat as a form of energy.
- Plus Plan
Keeping Warm
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore prior knowledge and understanding of heat.