Mindfulness Teaching Resources
A collection of mindfulness teaching resources to use in your classroom. 'Mindfulness' means paying attention to the present moment.
11 Easy Ways to Help Students Manage Perfectionism
Do you have perfectionist students in your classroom? Find out how you can provide support in the classroom with 11 easy and effective teaching ideas.
Sensory Processing Disorder | What to Look for and Support
Students with Sensory Processing Disorder are in every classroom. Find out what it is and how you can support children with SPD in your classroom.
World Mental Health Day | 5 Tips for Teacher Wellbeing
5 practical tips to ensure teacher wellbeing and happiness, just in time for World Mental Health Day!
What to Do if You Are Too Tired to Teach
The ultimate guide to surviving days when you feel too exhausted to teach and need a break.
Teacher Life Hacks | Tips for Stress-free Mornings
Are you a natural morning person? Or do you find your school morning routine stressful? Find out how to be happier and healthier!
5 Reasons You Need a Teacher Bestie
Do you have teacher besties? Here are 5 amazing reasons why you need a teacher best friend in your life!
5 Minutes of Mindfulness: Activity Task Cards
Take a look at our beautiful new Mindfulness Activity Task Cards and Mindfulness Practice Trackers...