Kindness Teaching Resources
Encourage your students to spread kindness around like confetti with this extensive collection of resources for primary school students. Whether you are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day (held annually on February 17), World Kindness Day (held annually on November 13), or simply trying to embed social and emotional learning into your everyday curriculum, we have you covered with our posters, templates and hands-on materials. Create a compliments box for your classroom, make a kindness rock garden or recognise your students' random acts of kindness by adding them to a classroom display. In a world where your students can be anything they want to be, encourage them to always be kind!
- Plus Plan
Kindness Reflection Classroom Display
An interactive kindness display for the classroom.
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Kindness Award Certificate
Give positive feedback to your students when they display an act of kindness.
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Hello Greeting Cards Template
4 templates for students to use when creating hello greeting cards.
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Random Acts of Kindness Display
A display to highlight any random acts of kindness.
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Compliment Box Decorations and Compliment Cards
Use these decorations and compliment cards to create your very own classroom compliments box.
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Random Acts of Kindness Chatterbox
A random acts of kindness chatterbox template.
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No act of kindness is ever too small - Positivity Poster
A motivation and positivity poster to brighten up your learning space.
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Kindness Reflection Mini Booklet
A printable kindness reflection mini book template for kids.
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Kind Heart Positivity Poster
A positivity poster to brighten up your learning space.
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Christmas Themed Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
15 random acts of kindness tasks for students to do for others in the spirit of Christmas.
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Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
16 random acts of kindness tasks for students to do for others.
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Our Kindness Rock Garden Poster
Poster to display when creating a classroom kindness rock garden.
International Day of Friendship Activities for Kids (2020)
These gorgeous resources can be used with your class in celebration of International Day of Friendship.
Spread Kindness in Your Classroom | Random Acts of Kindness Activities
We present to you, the cutest, most adorable and delightful kindness activities that will work in your classroom during Random Acts of Kindness Week, or any other week of the school year.
Random Acts of Kindness Christmas Edition (Classroom Display)
Christmas random acts of kindness classroom display? Yes, please!
Teaching Empathy | Kindness and Compassion for Kids
Teaching empathy in the classroom is critical in order to nurture students with the ability to show understanding, compassion and kindness towards others. Read on for tips and ideas to teach empathy, from reading great books to keeping an empathy journal...
Teaching Kindness One Rock at a Time
The Kindness Rock Project has one simple goal, to promote random acts of kindness in the shape of painted rocks with inspirational words!