Safeguarding Awareness Week 2024 Teaching Resources
Embrace the theme of Tes Safeguarding Awareness Week 2024, “Everyone has the right to feel safe,” with teaching resources created just for you and your class. This important lesson, once learned, will accompany your pupils throughout their lives, helping them navigate their world with confidence and security.
Teach Your Pupils the Importance of Safeguarding with a Variety of Resources
Our collection is filled with teaching resources to promote critical discussions about safety. You will discover engaging activities, informative posters, and vibrant classroom displays within this collection. These resources have been created with much thought and care. They are not merely tools but conversation initiators, designed to stimulate thought and discussion amongst students.
Why Spotlight Crucial Safeguarding Topics
Imagine a classroom bustling with activity, where young learners are engrossed in understanding the concept of personal space. Through interactive activities and age-appropriate language, they're exploring how personal space varies from person to person. They're using real-life scenarios to comprehend why it's important to respect others' personal spaces and why it's crucial to expect the same.
Now, picture these children learning about personal boundaries. They're engaging in lively discussions, realizing that everyone has their own comfort zones. They're learning about the power of saying 'no' and how fundamental it is to respect this 'no.' They're gradually understanding that respecting personal boundaries is about acknowledging and valuing individual differences.
Next, imagine these young minds being guided on the significance of seeking help when they're uncomfortable or in need. They're identifying the safe people in their lives--teachers, parents, or other trusted adults. They're realizing that reaching out for help isn't a sign of weakness, but a step towards ensuring their own safety and well-being.
All these lessons are vital not just for their present classroom environment but for their future, too. They're learning to respect themselves and others, understanding the importance of open communication, and ensuring that their classroom is a place where everyone feels safe and heard. These resources are not just teaching tools, but a stepping stone to fostering a culture of safety, respect, and empathy among our young learners.
The Role Safeguarding Plays in Promoting Safety Within and Beyond the Classroom
When you use these resources, you're doing more than just teaching; you're fostering a culture of safety within your classroom. The impact of this extends even further. You're preparing the students with the knowledge and comprehension they require to feel safe and secure, not just within the confines of the school environment, but in the world outside as well. The role of safeguarding in education is not just a necessary measure but a fundamental aspect of holistic learning and growth.
10 Safeguarding Discussion Ideas
- Personal space: Introduce the concept of personal space and how it varies for each individual. Discuss scenarios where personal space might be invaded and ways to handle such situations.
- Personal boundaries: Discuss personal boundaries, their importance, and how to respect them. Emphasize the power of saying 'no' and the necessity of respecting when someone else says 'no'.
- Seeking help: Talk about the importance of seeking help when feeling uncomfortable or in need. Encourage pupils to identify safe people in their lives, such as teachers, parents, or other trusted adults.
- Respecting others: Discuss the importance of respecting others, including acknowledging individual differences and understanding personal comfort zones.
- Open communication: Encourage open communication about feelings and concerns. Stress the importance of honesty and safety in expressing feelings.
- Understanding Emotions: Introduce the concept of emotions and how to identify them. Discuss the importance of recognizing and managing emotions effectively.
- Digital safety: Talk about the importance of being safe online. Discuss potential risks and how to avoid them.
- Bullying awareness: Discuss what bullying is, its effects, and how to prevent or deal with it.
- Empathy and Kindness: Encourage discussions about empathy, understanding the feelings of others, and the importance of kindness.
- Conflict resolution: Talk about conflicts and healthy ways to resolve them. Discuss the importance of peaceful communication and compromise.
These discussions can be facilitated while the pupils during lessons or while they are engaged in mindfulness colouring activities, providing a relaxed atmosphere for open, honest, and meaningful conversations.
- Free Plan
My Safety Plan
Help your pupils develop a safety plan to understand what actions to take or who to approach when feeling unsafe.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Awareness Collaborative Colouring Activity
Get your class working together to enhance their understanding of safeguarding by engaging in a collaborative and creative colouring-in activity.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Classroom Display
Inspire a sense of safety and security within your pupils with this interactive safeguarding classroom display titled "Everyone has the right to feel safe".
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Bookmark Colouring Activity
Boost understanding and engagement with this safeguarding bookmark that doubles as a fun mindfulness colouring-in activity for your pupils.
- Free Plan
Asking for Help Comic Strip Template
Discuss how and who to turn to for assistance with your pupils using this visually engaging comic strip template.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Awareness Mindfulness Colouring Sheet
Enhance comprehension and participation with this safeguarding colouring sheet that also serves as a fun mindfulness activity for your pupils.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Staff Room Poster
Promote awareness and understanding of the 2024 Tes Safeguarding Awareness Week theme "Everyone has the right to feel safe" with this informative staff room poster.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Word Wall
Engage your students in the important topic of safeguarding with this interactive Word Wall teaching resource.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space Posters
Teach your class about personal space with these space-themed classroom posters.
- Plus Plan
Am I A Space Invader? Poster and Worksheets
Teach your pupils about personal space with this space invader poster and worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
How to Seek Help Mini-Book
Teach pupils all about why, how and when you might seek help with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
My Safe Relationships Flipbook
Help you pupils explore what makes a safe relationship and who is in their trusted network with this flipbook.
- Plus Plan
I Can Ask for Help - Mini Workbook
Help your pupils learn how and when to ask for help with this activity mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Asking for Help Poster Set
Learn who to go to and how to ask for help with this set of classroom posters.
- Plus Plan
Trusted Adult Scenario Task Cards
Help students understand who is in their trusted adult network and who to go to for help.
- Plus Plan
Asking for Help Strategy Sheet
Help your pupils work through a difficult situation and how to ask for help with these asking for help strategy sheets.
- Plus Plan
How to Ask for Help Poster Set
Empower pupils with the ability to seek help when needed.
- Plus Plan
Safe or Unsafe Scenario Task Cards
Discuss safe and unsafe situations with your pupils in an engaging way this set of scenario task cards.
- Plus Plan
I Set My Boundaries Worksheets
Encourage your pupils to think about and define their comfort levels and personal boundaries in different types of social interactions with these interactive and visually appealing worksheets.
- Plus Plan
How Big Emotions Feel in My Body - Poster
Help your young pupils identify the signs their body gives them that they are experiencing a ‘big’ emotion with this informative classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
My Body Warning Signs - Worksheet
Help pupils recognising the physical signs that indicate they are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable with this cut and paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space Flipbook
Help your students master personal space and boundaries concepts with this engaging flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space and Setting Boundaries Activity Set
Empower your pupils with a clear understanding of personal space and boundaries through this out-of-this-world activity set, filled with real-life scenarios.
- Plus Plan
Setting Boundaries - Support Network Interactive Activity
Help your pupils identify their support network of trusted adults with this interactive activity.