Writing Prompts Teaching Resources for Key Stage 1
- Plus Plan
Creative Writing Prompts Calendar - Early Years
Encourage your pupils to write with fun writing prompt calendars for beginning writers.
- Plus Plan
Assorted Writing Prompts Grid
Writing grid with 20 writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
'If I Was an Astronaut...' – Writing Template
A writing prompt template for students to write what they would do if they were an astronaut.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing - Animal Research Task
An 8 page booklet for students to record facts about animals when learning to write informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Nature-Inspired Gratitude Writing Prompt Sheets
A set of 5 nature-inspired gratitude prompt sheets.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Topic Cards - Lower Grades
A set of persuasive topic cards for lower grades.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Starter Strips
A set of sentence starter prompts for students to practise writing short sentences.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Prompts Posters
A set of 20 posters to display as narrative story prompts for students.
- Plus Plan
Simple Language in Persuasive Writing Poster
A poster to introduce students to the use of simple language in persuasive writing.
- Plus Plan
Procedure Text Topic Cards
A set of 20 procedure text topic cards.
- Plus Plan
5 Procedure Writing Stimulus Sheets
Writing stimulus sheets with a procedure focus.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Sentence Starter Cards
Thirty sentence starter cards for narratives.
- Plus Plan
Create and Write – Art Template
A template designed for students to display their writing and illustrations.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Setting Prompts Posters
A set of 2 posters giving ideas for the setting of a narrative.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Setting Circularama Templates
A set of circular diorama templates that combine to create three scenes.
- Plus Plan
April Writing Prompts - Key Stage 1
20 writing prompts for April with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
March Writing Prompts - Key Stage 1
20 writing prompts for March with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
February Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for February with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
January Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for January with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
December Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for December with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
November Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for November with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
October Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for October with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
July Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for July with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
June Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for June with corresponding writing sheets.