Use these alphabet flashcards to help familiarise your students with the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds.
Upper and Lower Case Flashcards for Kids
Flashcards are a tried-and-true method for helping students learn fundamental concepts like letters and their sounds. They offer a hands-on, interactive way to reinforce learning and can be used in multiple ways in the classroom.
This set of 26 alphabet flashcards has been designed by our teacher team to help your students learn all letters of the alphabet, along with the most common sound made by each letter. Each card features an uppercase and lowercase letter, along with a catchy phrase that begins with that letter. Some examples of this are:
- Balancing banana
- Groovy guitar
- Juggling jellyfish
- Singing sun
- Tired turtle
- And many more!
Using these flashcards will help students associate letters with familiar phrases and images, enabling them to better grasp the connection between letters and their sounds.
Use These Alphabet Flashcards in Your Lessons
Looking for more ways to use these alphabet flashcards in your classroom? Here are some suggestions from our teacher team:
- Letter Recognition Drill – Hold up a flashcard and ask students to name the letter and the sound it makes. For a more interactive approach, let students take turns holding up cards for their peers to identify.
- Object Hunt – Hold up one of the flashcards. Challenge students to find objects or images around the classroom or school that start with the letter or sound on the flashcard.
- Home Practice – Send a set of flashcards home with students so they can practise with their families. This extends learning beyond the classroom and helps parents get involved in their child’s education.
Download and Print These Alphabet Flashcards
This resource downloads as a full-colour PDF. Use the Download button above to access this file.
We recommend printing this resource on thick card for added durability. Place all the cards into a ziplock bag for safekeeping.
Alternatively, print paper copies of the resource, cut out the individual cards and then compile them into a mini flipbook for your students.
Browse More Alphabet Resources From Teach Starter
If you’re looking for more alphabet resources to use with your littlest learners, you’re in luck! Click below to explore more teacher-created, curriculum-aligned activities:
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Alphabet Colouring In Sheets
A set of colouring sheets covering each letter of the alphabet.
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Alphabet Matching Game
Use this alphabet matching game to familiarise your students with the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds.
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Ants on the Apple – Phonics Rhyme Posters
Use this poster featuring the phonics rhyme “Ants on the Apple” to teach your students the association between letters and their sounds.
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