Help your students develop a growth mindset and set achievable goals with a printable pack of growth mindset worksheets.
It’s Time to Teach Growth Mindset!
Having a growth mindset has never been more important. In this fast-paced world, our students face new challenges every day, making it necessary to have one. But what exactly does this mean?
What Does It Mean to Have a Growth Mindset?
Students with a growth mindset believe they can improve and learn more if they put in the effort and extra practise. Having this growth mindset can help our students overcome obstacles they may face when learning something new or developing a new skill. It is all about persistence and determination.
Use this set of worksheets with your students to help them develop a growth mindset. They are great to use as a stand-alone activity when you feel your students say “I can’t” more than “I can” or after a social-emotional learning lesson on the growth mindset. Either way, these worksheets will make your students think more positively!
Download Your Printable Growth Mindset Activities
This resource is available as an easy-to-use Google Slides or Printable PDF Resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file format. Make your copies, pass them out to your students, and you’re ready to begin!
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and Teach Starter Collaborator.
Even More Growth Mindset Printables
Before you go, take advantage of a world of educational possibilities! Explore our related resources to enhance your teaching toolkit.

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A set of worksheets to use when teaching students about Growth Mindsets.
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