Foundation Level
Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Numbers by 1 - Caterpillar
Join the dots and numbers to make a picture.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-20 - Swirls - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-20 - Spots - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-10 - Swirls - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-10 - Stars - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-10 number line.
- Plus Plan
1 to 20 Number Match-Up Puzzles
A set of 20 match-up puzzles to help students identify the numbers from 1 to 20.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frames – 0 To 10 Platypus Theme
0 to 10 tens frames including the numerical and written form of the number, along with its tens frame representation.
- Free Plan
2D Shape Puppet Templates
Use these cute shape puppets when discussing 2D shape names and their properties to your students.
- Plus Plan
Marine Animal Counting Worksheet
A marine themed counting worksheet to use in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Counting Activity
An activity to use in conjunction with the numeracy song, "Five Currant Buns".
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Poster
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - Speckled Frogs Poster
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
- Plus Plan
Informal Measurement - Task Cards
A set of task cards to use when learning about informal measurement.
- Plus Plan
Superheroes - Days of the Week Poster
A poster displaying the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
0-20 Number and Word Posters - BW
Posters showing numbers and words from 0-20.
- Plus Plan
Describing Measurements - Memory Game
A memory game to play in the classroom when developing suitable language to describe different measurements.
- Plus Plan
1-9 Number and Value Match-Up Worksheet
Match-up 1-9 numbers and words with this simple and easy to use worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Number and Dot Value Cards
Number and Dot Value Cards from 1-20.
- Plus Plan
Location and Transformation Worksheets - Foundation
2 location and transformation worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Patterns and Algebra Worksheets - Foundation
4 patterns and algebra worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Numbers and Words 0-30 with Animal Values
Posters representing the numbers and words from 0-30 with different animals showing their values.
- Plus Plan
Frog in a Pond - Colour by Numbers
Colour by numbers is a fun and easy way to help students recognise digits.
- Plus Plan
Individual 2D Shapes Blue Print Posters
2D Shapes and their names, diagrams and properties on individual posters.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects Border Trimmers
Brighten up your cork boards with these 3D object border trimmers.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 0-10 with Stars
Posters representing the numbers from 0-10 with stars showing their values.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Stars BW (Horizontal)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Stars (Horizontal)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
1-10 Addition Flashcards - Owls (Vertical)
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
- Plus Plan
Counting to 20 Activity
Use this number activity to consolidate your students’ knowledge of numbers 1-20.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Resource Pack - Lower Years
A comprehensive pack of resources to use with the lower years when studying the elements of Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Maths Resource Pack for Parents - Place Value
A comprehensive resource pack for parents and carers to help Foundation to Year 2 children with place value.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Numbers Unit Plan
This Mathematics unit addresses a range of number concepts involving identifying, sequencing and representing.