Year 1 Teaching Resources
This collection of Year 1 worksheets, widgets and interactive resources has something for every learning area of the National Curriculum. There are printable worksheets, games and posters that help students continue to learn new grapheme-phoneme correspondences, develop the physical skill needed for handwriting, and learn how to organise their ideas when writing. There are also maths activities and interactive PowerPoints that develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value, and help students recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort different shapes and different measurements.
Teach Starter's Year 1 resources are designed for children aged through five to six in their first year of key stage 1, containing features such as simple and clear layouts, text appropriate to their level of learning, interactive elements and appealing images and colourful illustrations. Browse our range of resource types and activities that will engage and educate your students!
- Free Plan
Funky Easter Bunny Craft Template
Download the famous Teach Starter funky Easter bunny template for a fun classroom Easter craft activity that features an Easter bunny with funky glasses.
- Free Plan
We Are... Class Rules Posters
Set your new students up for success with this set of 11 classroom expectation posters.
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Kn, Ph & Wr Digraph Sound Cards
Use our Digraph Sound Cards to introduce your students to kn, ph and wr digraph words.
- Plus Plan
Addition Counting Strategies Posters
A set of four posters with clear examples of counting strategies.
- Plus Plan
Spot the Difference
A fun game for students to try and find the differences between two pictures.
- Free Plan
Days of the Week Poster
Display the days of the week with a bright and cheery Days of the Week Poster.
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Behaviour Sticker Charts – Stars
Reward positive behaviour with printable sticker charts!
- Free Plan
Digital Reward Chart – Marble Jar
Celebrate classroom successes with a fully digital marble jar classroom reward chart.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) Words
A set of 23 Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) pages, with missing letters and illustration prompts, for your students to complete.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Structure Posters
Posters to help introduce the basic structure of persuasive writing.
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Skip Counting by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 Posters and Worksheets
A set of 6 posters showing examples of skip counting.
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Telling the Time Bingo - Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
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Action, Saying, Thinking and Relating Verb Poster
A poster giving the definition and examples of action, saying, thinking and relating verbs.
- Plus Plan
Thinking and Relating Verbs Poster
A poster giving the definition and examples for thinking and relating verbs.
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‘On’ Sight Word Little Books
A little book with activities for the word ‘on’.
- Plus Plan
Writing A Recount Poster
Display this poster in your room as a visual reminder of the structure of a recount.
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Handwriting Paper No Dotted Blue Line - Landscape
Use this Handwriting Paper to help students to write with their neatest handwriting.
- Plus Plan
Decodable Text Worksheets - Single Graphemes (Set 1)
A set of 10 decodable text worksheets for early readers.
- Free Plan
My Safety Plan
Help your pupils develop a safety plan to understand what actions to take or who to approach when feeling unsafe.
- Free Plan
Free Printable Butterfly Templates
Decorate your classroom with a flock of colourful butterflies using printable butterfly cut-out templates.
- Free Plan
Tap Light Posters – Voice Level
Create voice-level expectations in the classroom with this set of 5 posters.
- Free Plan
In this class, Mistakes are Expected, Inspected and Respected - Classroom Poster
A free positivity poster to encourage a growth mindset in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passage Task Cards - Year 1
A set of 20 editing passage task cards with answers.
- Plus Plan
Beat the Blast Off! CVC, CVCC and CCVC Spelling Game
Use this collaborative partner game to familiarise your students with some of the most common CVC, CVCC and CCVC words.
- Free Plan
Paralympic Athlete Biography Templates
Empower your pupils to learn about and honour remarkable Paralympic Athletes with these easy-to-use templates – ideal for Years 1-6.
- Free Plan
Safeguarding Awareness Mindfulness Colouring Sheet
Enhance comprehension and participation with this safeguarding colouring sheet that also serves as a fun mindfulness activity for your pupils.
- Free Plan
Classroom Rules and Expectations Cut and Paste Worksheets
Start your year off right by reviewing classroom rules with a free cut-and-paste writing and drawing activity.
- Free Plan
Maths About Me Template
Get to know your new students with these Maths-themed All About Me templates.
- Plus Plan
Informative Text Writing Graphic Organiser Pack
Make writing an informative text easy with graphic organisers for your pupils!
- Free Plan
Back to School Door Display With an Astronauts Theme
Update your outer space-themed classroom display with fun printable astronaut templates that can be personalised with your pupil' faces!
- Plus Plan
Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies - Question Mats
A set of question mats to use when working with the Super Six reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Guided Reading Groups - Progress Tracker
Use this resource to track the progress of students during your guided reading groups.