Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation
- Plus Plan
Frolic with Fact Families
A 60-minute lesson in which students explore the relationship between the members of fact families.
- Plus Plan
Aim for a Zero-Tail
A 60-minute lesson in which students learn the strategy of making ten to subtract.
- Plus Plan
What Do You Know?
A 60-minute lesson in which students will revise strategies such as counting on, counting back, subtracting 10, and using known number facts.
- Plus Plan
Finding Your Strategy
A 60-minute lesson designed to reinforce that students can choose to use different addition strategies in different situations.
- Plus Plan
Assessment - Addition Strategies
A 30-minute assessment designed to assess students' understanding of working with place value to solve problems, the connection between addition and subtraction, and the development of efficient mental strategies for computation.
- Plus Plan
Compensation Strategy
A 60-minute lesson designed to build upon students' understanding of addition and subtraction by exploring compensation.
- Plus Plan
Split Strategy
A 60-minute lesson designed to progress students' understanding of mental addition by partitioning numbers into place value to help them find a total.
- Plus Plan
Number Boards
A 60-minute lesson designed to explore the use of number boards/hundreds charts when adding numbers.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy
A 60-minute lesson designed to explore the jump strategy for adding two- and three-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Concrete Materials
A 60-minute lesson to reinforce students' understanding of basic addition principles, using concrete materials.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Subtraction Strategies – Assessment
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of subtraction strategies.