Year 1
The proficiency strands understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning are an integral part of mathematics content across the three content strands: number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. The proficiencies reinforce the significance of working mathematically within the content and describe how the content is explored or developed. They provide the language to build in the developmental aspects of the learning of mathematics. The achievement standards reflect the content and encompass the proficiencies.
At this year level:
- understanding includes connecting names, numerals and quantities, and partitioning numbers in various ways
- fluency includes readily counting number in sequences forwards and backwards, locating numbers on a line and naming the days of the week
- problem-solving includes using materials to model authentic problems, giving and receiving directions to unfamiliar places, using familiar counting sequences to solve unfamiliar problems and discussing the reasonableness of the answer
- reasoning includes explaining direct and indirect comparisons of length using uniform informal units, justifying representations of data and explaining patterns that have been created.
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 1, students describe number sequences resulting from skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. They identify representations of one half. They recognise Australian coins according to their value. Students explain time durations. They describe two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects. Students describe data displays.
Students count to and from 100 and locate numbers on a number line. They carry out simple additions and subtractions using counting strategies. They partition numbers using place value. They continue simple patterns involving numbers and objects. Students order objects based on lengths and capacities using informal units. They tell time to the half-hour. They use the language of direction to move from place to place. Students classify outcomes of simple familiar events. They collect data by asking questions, draw simple data displays and make simple inferences.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Year 2 Tarsia Puzzle
Solve the tarsia puzzle and practise matching digital times with their corresponding word forms.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year Playdough Mats
Use playdough mats to help your students identify, sequence and spell the months of the year.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Shapes - Colour By 2D Shapes Worksheet
Don’t get too spooked while trying to identify 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes Colour by Code worksheet!
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Halloween Addition Game - Roll-a-Potion
Roll and add to create a magic potion, then draw it in the cauldron with a printable Year 1 Halloween game.
- Plus Plan
Batty for 2D Shapes - Halloween Shapes Worksheet
Go batty and identify the 2D shapes with a printable Halloween Shapes worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Crazy Creatures – Counting Worksheet
Bring a bit of (not-so) spooky counting into year 1 with a crazy creatures Halloween activity.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 1, 2, 5 and 10 Sorting Activity
Set up this sorting activity as a small group or rotation task for your students to practise thier skip counting skills.
- Plus Plan
Fact Families (Addition and Subtraction) Interactive Activity
Use this fact family houses resource to teach and practise addition and subtraction fact families with your students.
- Plus Plan
Decorate a Pumpkin – Halloween Addition Game
Practise finding sums up to 12 with this fun Halloween Maths Game!
- Plus Plan
Cut & Paste Fact Family Worksheets
Use these fact family houses worksheet set to practise addition and subtraction fact families with your students, as well as fine motor skills.
- Plus Plan
Analogue and Digital Clock Coding Robot Mat
Practise telling time on analogue and digital clocks with coding robots!
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on board game to consolidate students' understanding of the 'Friends of 10'.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Worksheets for International Dot Day
Use this cute caterpillar themed worksheet for your students to practise and improve their skip counting skills!
- Plus Plan
Counting by 1s Picture Puzzles
Use this fun sorting activity for your students to practice ordering numbers in sequential order, and improve their skip counting skills!
- Plus Plan
Fraction Circles and Suggested Activities Sheet
Teach the concept of fractions in a visual way with this set of fraction wheel templates and a list of suggested activities.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 10s I Have, Who Has Game
Use this fast-paced whole class game to help your students practise skip counting by tens.
- Plus Plan
10 More 10 Less Sorting Card Game
Engage your students and have them practise reading statements about values 10 more or 10 less, then and determining if the statement is accurate.
- Plus Plan
Number Bonds Worksheet- Cut and Paste
Practise subtraction up to twenty with a cut-and-paste number bond worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Number Bond Subtraction - Task Cards
Boost subtraction skills with printable subtraction number bonds task cards.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Within 10 - Word Problem Task Cards
Solve word problems practising addition and subtraction to ten with a set of printable task cards.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction on a Number Line - Anchor Chart
Provide your students with a daily reminder of the subtraction on a number line strategy with a printable anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Bar Model Poster Pack
Help your students solve problems using the four operations with a pack of printable strip diagram anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping - Anchor Charts
Break down the steps to use regrouping to find a solution with an addition and a subtraction poster.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Cafe- Interactive Activity
Practise identifying 3D objects and their properties in multiple ways with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Part-Part-Whole - Addition and Subtraction Teaching Presentation
Teach your students how to effectively use a bar model to solve 1-digit addition and subtraction number facts using the part-part-whole strategy.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes Mystery Bag
This 2D shapes interactive teaching resource helps students to identify the properties of 2D shapes everyday items in their environment.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes Similarities and Differences Presentation
This 18-slide deck supports teacher instruction to help enable students to identify similarities and differences between 2-D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Space Mission - Find the Missing Numbers Interactive
Practise identifying missing numbers on a number line with a fun space-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Escape the Number-Saurus Rex! Number Line Sequencing Activity
Escape the Number-Saurus Rex and practise number sequencing skills with an interactive, self-checking maths adventure!
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Number Lines PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the number line with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Number Line Task Cards - Superhero Addition and Subtraction Activity
Fly through addition and subtraction on a number line with an exciting Number Line Superhero task card activity.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Whole Numbers on a Number Line - Task Cards
Identify the missing two-and-three digit whole numbers on a number line with this set of 24 task cards.